Chapter 17

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Sansa held her knees close to her chest, the sheets were draped around her as she sat up in bed surrounded by darkness.

She felt a soft touch on her right shoulder, turning her head slightly she felt Jamie's warm lips press against her shoulder, moving towards her neck. "What's the matter" a faint whisper emerged from his lips, close to Sansa's ear.

He moved closer to her, wrapping his arm around her waist. "Don't" Sansa struggled against his grip, he held her there next to him, not forcefully but firmly. "How can I help you, when you won't talk to me?" She turned to face him, "let go" he softened his grip but still kept her there.

Sansa got out bed, pulling her night gown over her shoulders. She turned to face the window. "After everything I've done, you still don't trust me?" Jamie stood up next to her, turning around to face him, she avoided his stare. "I can't" she shook her head, she remembered who he was, what he was. A Lannister.

Jamie got closer to her, she could feel the cold stone behind her pressing into her back, looking up she returned his stare. "Everything that I've done was for you, I killed Roose Bolton for you, and I will kill as many people as it takes for you, but you swore that you would trust me." Sansa pressed her lips together. "So trust me now" he spoke a little softer.

She remained silent for a moment before opening her mouth to speak "It's Robb..." Jamie watched her waiting for her to continue "He's still alive" she looked up at him.

Jamie stared at her, she held it for a few moments before breaking her eyes away and moving across the room. She started to pour some wine. Jamie's eyes followed her.

"Sansa" she continued pouring the wine, bringing it to her lips. "Sansa look at me" she remained where she was. "Sansa" his voice was louder now.

"I wanted to tell you right away, but-" Jamie interrupted "do you even know what you're saying?" His brows were furrowed. She raised her eyes up to meet his.

"I'm telling the truth, Margery said-" "what? She told you this? Sansa what happened to your brother-" "you're not listening to me, Margery explained everything, they're still alive, I still have a family."

Jamie scraped his hand through his hair "you do believe me don't you?" He looked at her for a moment, her eyes pleading for belief.

He nodded slightly pulling her closer to him, he pressed her head against his chest, gently placing a hand on her head. "You promise?" Jamie's voice was faint "yes... I promise, I'm going to make this all better."


Jamie and Sansa sat at the table, waiting for Shae to finish laying out the breakfast foods. They were sat in silence until she had gone. Sansa spoke first.

"Last night... Why did you say you were going to make everything better" Jamie looked at her "I just am" Sansa continued "what's there to make better?"

Jamie didn't speak for a few moments, "Sansa can you honestly believe that after all the horror that your family have endured that they're still alive somewhere?" Sansa didn't say anything, she just stared at him.

"So you don't believe me then" she pressed her lips together, looking down at her lap. Jamie took her hand in his, "Sansa... Please listen-" "-no, you told me to trust you and I have and you can't even believe me, they're not dead, why can't you understand that? I can have my family back." She pulled her hand away from him.

Jamie let out a sigh, his brow was furrowed, "Sansa your family are dead" his voice grew louder with every word "your mother and father are dead, your brothers and sister are dead, how many Starks do they have to kill before you believe it?!"

Jamie let out a breath, realising the harshness to his words. "Sansa I'm sorry-" his voice was quiet. "Everything that's happened to them is because of your family, you did this" her voice was low, tears formed at her eyes, but she couldn't let them fall.

Jamie began to speak "-get out" Jamie looked at her "I said get out now" she looked away from him, waiting for him to leave. Hearing the door close behind him, she covered her mouth with the back of her hand, finally she let her tears fall, she didn't know if they would ever stop.


Sansa stared out across the gardens from the balcony. "Lady Sansa, Lord Petyr Baelish is here to see you" Sansa turned to see a guard stood by the door. "Send him in" she hadn't expected to ever see him again.

He was wearing his usual attire, with his mockingbird pin attached, Sansa waited for him to speak. "Lady Sansa, how much you have changed since the last time I saw you" his mouth was curved up into a sly smile.

She watched him for a moment "why are you here?" He took her hand in his own, becoming closer to her. "After hearing who they had made you marry, I couldn't leave you here" Sansa pulled her hand away, but didn't retreat. Taking a step closer to him, she lowered her voice.

"Is that so? I'm not a stupid little girl anymore Lord Baelish, do you think I don't know who told the Lannisters about the Tyrells plans to have me marry Ser Loras, and then you left me here" Petyr took a breath before he spoke again.

"The first time I saw you, you were just a child, but now" he pressed his hand on her arm, pausing in between his words. "You're not a child any longer, I thought it was my duty to make sure you were safe in Kingslanding."

Sansa stepped away from him "no ones safe in Kingslanding, they're all liars, just like you, I don't trust any of them" he cleared his throat slightly "not anyone? Not even your husband? Still I thought it was expected from me, I felt like I owed it to your mother" she made eye contact with him.

"My mothers dead, just like the rest of my family" the corner of his mouth turned up ever so slightly on one side "I want you to leave" she turned back towards the balcony. "Of course my Lady, I have something for you first".

Sansa's voice grew impatient "leave it on the table and get out" hearing the door shut behind him, she turned towards the table, there was a cloth of some sort wrapped around something.

She slowly started to unwrap the cloth, revealing a dark laced material, sewed into it were trouts and wolves. She knew what this was, she had seen it before, it was her mothers scarf. Wrapped inside the scarf, Sansa found a note.

The North Remembers.

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