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The islanders all sat around the couch in anticipation, waiting for a phone to ring. Hugo's phone broke the silence. 

"Islanders, the public have been voting for their favorite boy and girl. Those with the fewest votes are at risk of being dumped tonight." Anna's eyes blew wide as she met Faye's gaze. She grabbed Liams hand and squeezed it as Teddy's phone rang. 

"The three girls with the lowest votes are, Aj, Chloe and Lucinda." Anna shook her head as the three girls got up and stood in front of the group. 

"This is so mental," she said sadly. 

Anna's phone then rang. "The three boys with the least votes are Teddy, Toby and Danny."

Anna grabbed Faye's hand as Teddy stood with the other boys in front of the group. Lucinda's phone rang next. "Only one girl and one boy will be going home tonight, and that choice is up to your fellow islanders."

Liberty's phone pinged then. "Anna, Faye, Liberty and Kaz, you must choose what boy will go home."

Liam's phone rang shortly after. "Liam, Jake, Hugo and Aaron, you must decide which girl will go home."

"Fucking mad," Faye whispered as Liberty and Kaz came over to them and the boys huddled on the opposite side. 

"I am just going to let you guys speak because I know I will be biased," Anna shrugged. 

"I'll say I don't think we should send Toby, as mad as we are at him I do think he has a connection with Chloe and they have potential," Liberty said quietly. 

"Honestly, my vote is to send Danny," Kaz spoke. "He has already been through three different girls, claiming he sees something with all of them. I think he's playing a game."

"Agreed," Faye said simply. "It may sound too biased but I do think Teddy is coming out of his shell, and even if it's not me I think he definitely has a great chance to find a connection in here."

"So Danny," Liberty asked as the boys finished their discussion. The three other girls nodded and then faced the others. 

Anna's phone rang and she looked at in dread. "Anna, please tell the group who the girls have decided to send home." She sighed heavily and stood up. "So we have chosen this boy because we don't believe he has the same connections in the villa right now as the others. Unfortunately, we have chosen to send home Danny."

Anna sat down quickly, smiling weakly at Liam as Teddy and Toby offered Danny a hug. The boy got a text to wait to leave the villa until the girl to leave was revealed. 

Jake's phone pinged and he stood up to deliver the second blow. 

"So we've chosen this girl because she doesn't have a strong connection in here at the moment. She might be able to form one, but the other girls do currently have that, so we have chosen to send AJ."

The group quickly stood to say goodbye to both islanders. 

"I could care less about Danny, but I did sort of like AJ when she wasn't panting after Liam," Anna frowned in the beach hut. 

Danny and Aj's bags had literally already been packed by producers so the islanders just followed them to the foyer to say goodbye. Anna stood towards the back of the group as she watched them go, heading back to the garden silently. 

"I feel bad for feeling this way but I am just so relieved Danny is gone," the black haired girl smiled slightly in the beach hut. 

As the other islanders came back outside, they gathered in the kitchen and talked a bit before being interrupted by Hugo's phone ringing.

"Islanders, the night isn't over yet! Please welcome new Islanders Georgie, Tyler and Abigail."

"Bloody hell, you guys don't waste any time do yous!" Anna groaned.

"Hello!" Tyler yelled as he came around the corner with the girls on his arms. 

As everyone shouted back Anna dramatically elbowed Kaz in the stomach. 

"This is Kaz's boy," Anna and Liberty sat in the beach hut. "We are women on a mission."

Anna greeted the newcomers before they all headed to the fire pit. For the first time there wasn't enough seats so Anna plopped herself on Liam's lap. 

"Hard life isn't it," she giggled. 

The group all got to know the three of them before they started asking the important questions. 

"Tyler mate, how tall are you?" Toby asked the other boy. 

"6'6," the group ooed as they looked between Tyler and Liam. 

"Alright let's see without those platforms," Liam joked as he tapped Anna's hip for her to stand and he followed suit. Tyler took off his shoes and the two stood back to back. 

"Honestly, I don't know how we were supposed to decide, it's not like any of us can see the top of their heads," Anna laughed.

"You'll always be tallest to me," Anna teased as she stood up again for Liam to sit, resting on his lap. 

"I better be," he grumbled as Liberty asked what the newcomer's type were. 

"I quite like Italian looking guys or a surfer vibe," Georgia revealed. "So gotta say Hugo is right up my alley."

The group ooed as the mentioned boy laughed. Everyone started to disperse and Anna shot Liberty a wink as she and Liam stayed seated with Tyler. 

"So Tyler, what is your type then?" Anna watched the calm boy in front of her. 

"I quite like a girl with a good personality. I usually tend to go for darker features as well," he grinned at them both. 

"Oh we may have someone like that in here," Anna grinned as she felt Liam laugh from under her. "Do you have your eyes on anyone yet?"

"Kaz 100%," he admitted. 

"I was screaming on the inside, but I think I played it cool," Anna looked to Liam for confirmation. 

"Nope, you were like an excited puppy," Liam laughed as Anna huffed.

"Oh really?" Anna grinned. "She is quite lovely isn't she?"

"Speak of the devil," Liam remarked as the girl herself came walking over. 

"I'm kicking you both out of this conversation," Kaz shooed the laughing couple away. 

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