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"How did everyone sleep last night?" Hugo asked the boys. 

"I'm just really missing Faye. Like I have never missed a bird like this before, ever," Teddy admitted with Liam slapping a hand on his shoulder. 

"Liam, I heard Lillie came out to try to get you to join her," Toby grinned. 

"Yeah she did, but I kept to my nice comfy daybed," the boy shrugged.


The girls were on the daybeds speaking about their nights when they were interrupted by Chloe screaming for them. 

"I've got a post card," she yelled. "And it's not good news."

The girls all jumped up to meet her, huddling around to get a look.

(Originally, the postcard contained the pic of liam and lillie in bed, hugo and amy, tyler and clarisse kissing in bed, teddy and clarisse kissing, jake and mary laughing, and Toby and (mary or lillie I couldn't tell) kissing)

"Alright so we have Hugo snogging a bird, go on," Faye pointed out. "Teddy and Liam kissing some birds, Tyler kissing a girl in bed, Toby kissing a girl and Jake being Jake."

"Let's be rational here for some of these," Anna soothed. "The photos of Teddy and Liam are during the day, and their shirtless which means challenge."

"I felt bad that I wasn't able to help Abi or Kaz make rational conclusions that didn't involve them getting hurt," Anna frowned.

Liberty ended up ripping the post card from the girls hands and threw it in the pool. "Good riddance," Anna snorted as she and Faye followed Kaz to the swing.

"This is just so typical," Kaz began to cry. "Some guy comes in here talking about how he's so into me, and I believe him, and it ends up being total bullshit."

"Babe, you cannot do anything about his actions," Anna soothed. "He lost out on the best of all of them, and he's going to see that when he comes back. You are an absolute stunner and I would absolutely bang you if I liked girls." That got a little chuckle out of the girl.

"What are you going to do now Kaz," Faye asked. 

"Now, I'm going to go put my face on and crack on," the two girls cheered as they headed to the dressing room. 

"What's going on in your head babe," Anna asked Faye on the terrace. 

"I want so badly to listen to you and think that he hasn't done anything muggy. But my instant reaction is to buck up, go down there and find the first boy I can, and crack on," Faye admitted.

"Hun, it's natural to want to protect yourself from being hurt," Anna hugged the girl. "You know you are my number one girl. If I thought Teddy was yanking you around based on that photo, I would go find my way to that villa myself, and end him."

"Ah hun," Faye chuckled wetly. "You're the best friend a girl could ask for."


That day, the girls all hyped Kaz up as she got to know Matthew. Faye had spoken with Sam, but in the back of her mind she was still thinking about Teddy. 

"Will any of you be switching your sleeping patterns up tonight," Sam grinned at the girls. 

"Not me," Anna shook her head, happy with Faye when she echoed her plan. 

"I think Faye is just so scared to get hurt, and she wants to protect herself. But she needs to have a little faith in our boy Teddeus," Anna grinned.

Kaz ended up heading inside to share a bed with Matthew, while Chloe ended up outside with Faye and Anna again. 

"Hey stranger," Anna said from her spot. "Why are you slumming it with us?"

"Dale told me he would be open to getting to know you lot if the postcard had changed your minds, so I decided to bunk with you girls," Chloe smiled weakly as the girls gasped in shock. 

"I felt like I got punched in the gut for Chloe," Anna shook her head.


"So it's probably our last night in here," Lillie said to Liam as they sat by the firepit, continuing to speak after the man hummed. "Are you really not even going to give me a shot?"

"I don't think so," Liam shrugged at the girl beside him. "I have something over at the Main Villa that I am just not willing to risk."

"But you aren't in a relationship?" Lillie asked in confusion. 

"To me, we are 95% there. With that being said, I am not going to be doing anything to jeopardize that girl being my girlfriend in a few days."


"Good morning darlings," Anna yawned, greeting her bed buddies. "How did we sleep?" The girls talked for a few minutes before they were joined by the boys. They took that cue to go meet up with the others in the dressing room to get ready for the day. 

"I do just really miss him, like just being able to speak to him and things," Anna spoke with Liberty and Faye on the day bed. The girls all jumped in shock when Faye's phone rang. 

"Girls, tonight there will be a recoupling. You may choose to stick with your original couple, or recouple with one of the new boys. If you choose not to recouple, and your partner has, you will be single."

"I think a lot of the girls are shitting it," Anna spoke. "I am definitely not feeling 100% confident. I do worry about tonight and about Liam coming back with another girl, but I just have to have some faith."

"Do you know who you're going to choose tonight?" Anna asked Chloe as they sat on the bed after the text. 

"I reckon I'll go with Dale," the blonde said quietly. 

"Even with him wanting to get to know other girls?" Anna questioned. 

"You know, he said that yesterday but I still don't think he's been like moving mad you know?" Chloe explained. 

"Do you fancy him?" she grinned at the girl.

"I definitely could," she giggled as the girls headed inside. 

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