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The next day, the islanders had a slow morning. Aside from Anna being attacked by their packed fridge and Kaz being attacked by Tyler leaving the seat up. The islanders quickly gathered between the beanbags and the lounge chairs for the day. 

Anna was laid on the lounger, half heartedly listening to Liam talk about the biggest building in Cardiff when her phone rang. "oh hello," she pulled the device up to her face, pulling her glasses down to look at the screen "I've got a text!". When her brain caught up, she bolted up on her chair with a gasp, the other islanders turning her way in concern. 

"Liam!" she gestured excitedly. "It's my mum and dad! Is that your parents?" Liam got up and rushed over, leaning over her shoulder to look at the photo.

"Oh my god," he laughed. "Where are they at? Are they out front of the villa?" The two got up and scanned the garden, waiting down for their parents to appear around the corner.

"Oh my god I can already feel the tears," Anna yelled, fanning her face. Liam was no better, grin splitting his face. The two waited another second before they could see two sets of figures enter the garden. 

"Yeah I was shaking, it was so hard not to just run over and hug them," Anna smiled in the beach hut. "But this was the longest I've gone with no contact with my parents so regardless I was so happy."

As their parents waved to the other couples in the kitchen, Anna could feels falling down her cheeks, she turned around to see Liam covering his own face, wrapping her arms around his waist as their parents started walking down the stairs. "Hi Anna!" Liams dad calling out with a little wave, Anna returning the gesture with a bright smile. 

Her own parents called out to Liam, the boy pressing a kiss to her forehead before heading up to meet his parents on the swing. "Hi Ama, hi Ina," Anna waved through her tears, gesturing for them to come to the sun chairs. The three sat down, the women having to take a moment to gather their composure. When Anna had seen her own mothers tears, it had set her off again.

"My mom is definitely the stern parent, I think because of our Filipino side, so seeing her go off put me off as well," Anna laughed in the beach hut. 

"We've missed you so much darling," her dad Greg smiled softly at his only daughter, squeezing her moms hand. 

"Oh guys, you have no idea," Anna laughed wetly. 

"I haven't seen you this tan since the summer you spent in Bohol with your cousins," her mum Alma commented, wiping her own tanned cheeks. 

"Not a lot to do other than sit in the sun," the three of them chuckled. "So tell me. How's it been, what do you guys think?"

"We're just really proud of you love," Greg said. "You have been so true to yourself in here. You've been such a good friend, and I really think you've found a good boy."

"What do you think Ina?" Anna turned to her mum.

"You know how I felt about you coming in here," her mum didn't hold back. "I didn't think it would be good and I thought you would regret it. But seeing the way that boy treats you, and talks about you, and just is madly in love with you. I was eating my words by the third week."

"Mum," Anna welled up again. As a young girl, she had always strived for her mother's approval. As she got older, she knew to take what she could get, but those words from her meant the world. 

"Your brothers have been taking the piss out of ya," Greg made both the girls laugh. "But they've watched it all. They really wish they could be here to see you, but they're ready with the intimidation at home."

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