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"Hello girls," Laura greeted as she stood in front of the group

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"Hello girls," Laura greeted as she stood in front of the group. "This week, you and the boys have been separated with a new group of girls and boys to test the connections you already formed. Tonight, you will get the choice to choose to stick with your original partner, or recouple with one of the boys standing next to me. Tonight, we'll start with Chloe."

"Chloe, you were coupled up with Hugo. How are you feeling tonight?"

"Obviously, Hugo and I don't have that romantic connection. I was lucky to get to know some of these boys, and tonight I would like to recouple with Dale." The tattooed lad grinned brightly and walked over to kiss the blonde on the cheek before they sat down. 

"Now let's see what Hugo has chose to do," Laura and the islanders all looked over their shoulder. The girls yelled in happiness when Hugo walked out with a dark haired stunner. 

"Finally we have Hugo coupled up," Anna cheered in the beach hut. 

"Hugo, Amy, welcome to the villa. How are you feeling?"

"Buzzing, yeah," Hugo grinned.

"Yeah, the two of us just connected immediately so I'm super happy to be here," she smiled. Laura gestured for the two to join the group around the fire pit. Next was Abi. The girl seemed hesitant, but chose to stick with Toby. The girls were shocked when the boy exited the villa with a blonde on his arm. 

"Honestly, was expecting that but still was a little shocked," Anna frowned. 

"I don't really know what to say honestly," Toby looked shell shocked as Abi stood in front of him. 

After they sat down, it was then Kaz's turn. Anna laughed when she saw the boys faces at the first mention of the post card. Kaz chose to recouple with Matthew, the couple sitting and waiting for Tyler to come out. 

"Tyler, as you can see Kaz has chosen to recouple. Anything you'd like to say?"

"Honestly, I don't really have words," the boy rubbed his jaw as Laura let Kaz take the floor. 

"I do feel a bit blindsided. He did come in here trying to offer me a dream, and it's just fallen to shit," the girl said sadly. "But I guess it's out with the old and in with the new."

"Kaz, did you ever think about sticking with Tyler?"

"I mean, until we got that postcard, I didn't even speak with the other boys."

"But you recoupled didn't you?" Tyler quipped.

"Yeah Ty, because I saw a picture of you kissing another girl in bed," Kaz scoffed. "If I hadn't seen that and seen your true colors, theres a good chance I would've been sitting here alone."

"Alright, Tyler and Clarisse, welcome back. Take a seat."

Liberty was up next and chose to stick with Jake, and Anna beamed when she saw the tattooed boy come in alone. Next was Faye. Before she stood Anna squeezed her hand in support. 

"Faye, before Casa Amor, you were coupled up with Teddy. How have the last few days been?"

"So before Casa Amor, Teddy and I were going strong. And then I obviously saw the post card and it clearly threw me for a loop. After seeing that, I did get to know the new boys a little bit better. And I would like to apologize to all of you, because I do think some of us wrote you off too quickly. But today, I am going to go with my heart and choose to stick with Teddy." 

*Yes I know what rlly happened but idc, someone needed to try to talk sense into Faye and it was Anna so she wouldn't be recoupling out of spite*

"Alright Faye, you've chose to stick with Teddy. If he comes back in another couple you will be single," Laura and every islander watched over their shoulders, looking for Teddy. When he came in and the door shut, with him being the only person there, Anna clapped loudly as her friend grinned. 

"Faye, as you can see, Teddy is here by himself. How does that make you feel?"

"Honestly, when I first saw that postcard, my immediate thought was 'ok he's clearly made decisions without regard to my feelings so I'm going to follow his lead'. Luckily, I was able to think through the anger with the help of some of the girls, and believe that I couldn't control his actions, and could only control my reactions. So I think we have some things to talk about, but I'm glad we're here."

Teddy grinned and jogged up to Faye, giving her a deep kiss. As the two approached their seats, Teddy handed Faye her teddy as the group applauded. 

"And lastly, we have Anna," the girl stood up with a nervous smile. "Anna, before Casa Amor, you were coupled up with Liam. How are you feeling now?"

"So obviously, I've seen the post card," she began. "I'm choosing to put a lot of trust in him and the labels he chose for our relationship. I've missed him so much these last few days, and I just really hope to be able to have him back with me alone. So tonight, I'm choosing to stick with Liam."

"Alright Anna," Laura grinned. "You've chosen to stay coupled with Liam. If he walks through those doors alone, he's all yours. But if he doesn't, you will be single and vulnerable."

Anna smiled tightly, squeezing Faye's hand that had crept into her own. As the moments of silence continued, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before looking over her shoulder. 

Almost immediately she met Liam's brown eyes, beaming when she realized he was alone. 

"Oh my god," she gasped as she looked over her shoulder to a glassy eyed Faye. The girl took a deep breath before facing forward again. 

"Liam, as you can see, Anna has chosen to stick with you. How are you feeling?" 

"I'm not sure I could be happier right now," the boy laughed. "I'm just so excited to see her."

"You two are too much," Laura beamed. "Go get your girl."

Liam jogged across the wood and swept down to grab a laughing Anna in his arms. He held his arms right under her bum, grinning at her before she leaned down to kiss all over his face and eventually peck his lips a few times. 

"I missed you," she whispered as he set her down and they headed to their seat with their friends applauding for them.

"Missed you more," he hummed as he kissed her head.


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