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"Good morning," Anna nuzzled into Liam's side as she grabbed her sunglasses. 

"How was your first night as boyfriend and girlfriend?" Abi grinned as she and Faye sat at the end of their bed. 

"Well, had to share the room with 10 other people so didn't get the chance to celebrate," Liam grunted as Anna wacked his stomach at that comment. The other islanders laughed as the blushing girl shot from bed and headed for the dressing room. 

"So no celebrations?" Chloe laughed at Anna as the girl put on her sunscreen.

"I wish," she sighed as the other girls chattered about. They were interupted by Sam and Dale coming to retrieve Chloe, leading her downstairs, the other girls quick to follow. 

"Oi! Wheres my picnic?" Anna pouted at Liam as she watched Chloe and Toby enjoy their date. 

"I made you scrambled eggs?" the boy held up the plate, grinning in satisfaction as Anna trotted over to drop a kiss on his lips and perch on his knee to eat her food. The two headed over to the poolside to sit in bean bags, watching as Hugo and Amy headed to sit across the way. 

"That's not going to go well," Anna murmured as she watched the two of them. 

"I think he's going to try to make it work," Liam mused as Anna looked up at him. 

"I don't know if she'll be okay with that," Anna laughed as the group all tuned into Jake as he yelled that he had a text. The group got ready to head out for their challenge. 

"This boy pulls off a football uniform doesn't he," a dirty Anna laughed from beside a smirking Liam. 

"I wish I could say you were good at kicking that ball, but mum told me its not good to lie," he laughed cheekily as Anna crossed her arms and pouted. "We did pretty well though I think."

"He took a lot of shots for me it was great,"  Anna laughed as she pecked his cheek.


That night after the challenge seemed to be the night of Kaz, Matt, Clarisse and Tyler drama

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That night after the challenge seemed to be the night of Kaz, Matt, Clarisse and Tyler drama. 

"I don't even know what to think about all that," Anna sighed from where she was sitting with Faye, Teddy and Liam. 

"I think Tyler wanted his cake and to eat it too," Faye shrugged. 

"He and Kaz are playing a dangerous game, the both of them I feel like they need to just let go of Matt and Clarisse if they're going to keep entertaining each other," Anna shrugged as she watched Matt storm off from his talk with Kaz. She grimaced as not ten minutes later Clarisse walked off on Tyler with her shoes in her hands. 

"Aw hell," Anna frowned as her phone rang. "I've got a text!" She yelled to the group. "Can all islanders gather around the fire pit immediately?"

"Fucks sake," Liam murmured as he grabbed Anna's hand and everyone headed to the fire pit.

As they sat down, Hugo's phone was the next to sound off. "Islanders, the public has been voting for their favorite couple. Those with the fewest votes are at risk of being dumped from the island tonight. Everyone, please stand."

Liam wrapped his arm around Anna's waist as the two stood with their friends. Anna grabbed his hand and squeezed three times as Liberty's phone rang. 

"In no particular order, the couples that have been saved by the public are

Chloe and Toby

Faye and Teddy

Liberty and Jake

Kaz and Matthew

Abi and Dale

Anna and Liam."

The brunette sighed in relief, rocking up to kiss Liam softly before the two sat down. She grinned softly across the circle at Abi and Faye before focusing in as Mary's phone rang. 

"Mary and Sam, Clarisse and Tyler, Amy and Hugo. Please stand in front of the fire pit."

The other islanders watched as the three couples headed in front of the group. Sam's phone rang as the six of them settled into place. 

"Mary and Sam, Clarisse and Tyler, and Amy and Hugo. You received the fewest votes from the public and are now vulnerable."

"Two boys and two girls will be going home tonight," Tyler read from his phone. "Who goes and who stays, will be decided by your fellow islanders."

Toby frowned as his phone rang, looking down to read the text. "Boys, it is time to decide which girl you would like to save."

"Girls," Faye read. "You must decide which boy to save."

Anna frowned as the girls huddled on one side of the couches while the boys were on the other. "Ok, who should we start with," Anna sighed as she looked at the other women. 

"Hugo," Kaz nodded with Liberty. "I think he has had a lot of opportunities, but would he be able to form another connection if Amy didn't stay?"

"And Tyler?" Faye glanced around. 

"I can't bear with him leaving right now," Kaz admitted. "Like since he's come in this villa he has had such an effect on me, and I'm just now figuring things out with him."

"Yeah I can understand that," Anna nodded. "What about Sam?"

*Yall it was at this moment I realized I fucked up and sam wouldnt be here if Faye didnt choose to recouple but I am too lazy to go rewrite stuff so pls leave me be and play along*

"I don't think he's even tried to connect with anyone, and I feel bad because I brought him here, but I think there is someone else we can agree that has more of an opportunity to stay here."

The girls settled back, looking over to the boys to start. "So obviously this has been a very hard decision for us," Teddy spoke. "You're all great girls, and we've really enjoyed getting to know all of you. We've chosen to save this girl because she definitely is an important presence in the villa, but at the end of the day we think she will make the most out of her stay here in the villa. So the girl we've decided to save is,


The girls clapped as Mary and Sam hugged, before Faye began to speak. "We have chosen to save this boy, because he hasn't had the easiest path in the villa, we think he is on the right path to find happiness here. He has been a part of a lot of highs in this villa, and some lows, but at the end of the day he is an integral part of the group. There is also another girl here that we believe deserves to find happiness as well. So the boy we've decided to save is,


Anna frowned as she saw the look on the other four's faces. "Gosh, the four of them were so wonderful, and it was so nice to get to know them. It's sad to see anyone leave but I do think all of them were pretty big personalities in here."

The group all got up to begin to say their goodbyes. "I'm so sorry," Anna hugged Clarisse as the girl teared up. "You deserved a different ending in here, I'm sorry."

The girl went to hug the three others before the islanders headed inside to help them pack. Anna leaned into Liam as they gathered in the entry way, waving off their friends. 

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