Epilogue 2

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liked by teddysoares, itv, and 992,023 others

annad tonight was out first night in the cottage! We started working on this house right after I left school, and as house renovations do, we hit a few snags and were unable to live here while we rennovated as we planned. But after 4 months, we got to sleep in our bed in our house! huge props to liam and all of his hardwork to turn this into a dream first home (with some help from out dads and my brothers).


fayewinter coming over right now

user this aesthetic is giving

chloeburrows on my way!

danield I cant wait to be able to make you help me renovate soon.


"Good morning," a whispered voice woke Anna from her sleep. The brunette groaned as she rolled over and blinked sleepily up at Liam who was looking down at her. "Happy birthday baby," he leaned down to press a kiss to her lips, both of them smiling into it. 

"Thank you love," Anna smiled as she got up in bed, looking at the tray Liam was carrying with two waffles, tea, and some flowers. "You're so cute. Come get back in bed."

"Ah, ah," Liam dodged her hands and stood up. "Nope, you have 20 minutes to eat and then throw on clothes. I have plans today."

"Is this about the surprise you told me you have," Anna narrowed her eyes as Liam grinned. The girl huffed as she took a bite of her food, eating as Liam moved around their bedroom. Once she was finished, she got dressed in casual clothes like Liam. 

The boy led them out of the house and to the car, ignoring Anna's whines as he began to drive away from their own. Anna tried to figure out where they were going, but was stunned as they headed away from the city and into the country. Liam turned down a lane before stopping in front of a cute house. 

"Alright baby," he turned to her. "I need you to put this on," he pulled out a blindfold, shushing Anna as her mouth opened to protest. "Please, come on." Anna rolled her eyes but nodded, letting him wrap the piece of fabric around her head. 

"Ok hold on," Liam got out of the car and ran around to open Anna's, guiding her out of the car. "Just follow my lead." Liam led her down the side of the house and around the back. He nodded at the older woman that was standing around a pen. Anna could hear some noises, but without her sight she couldn't identify the sounds. 

"Alright, a few more steps," Liam guided her before grabbing her shoulders and stopping her. "Ok stay here for a second," Liam let go and walked away briefly before turning back to the girls side. Anna could feel something soft touch her arm, and flinched back. "Ok take it off." 

Anna slid the fabric off of her eyes, and blinked a few times to get her eyes used to the sun again. She saw a woman standing off to the side with a smile before she looked and saw Liam. She opened her mouth to ask what was going on before she caught a glimpse of Liam's arms. 

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