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Shortly after Faye and Teddy returned, the group sent Kaz and Tyler off for their final date as well. Anna could tell something was wrong on Lib's face as they all went back to the garden, but decided to let the girl have her space when she walked up to the dressing room. Faye ended up going after the girl, and the two blondes had a long chat on the swing before Faye and Jake switched places. 

"Something is happening up there," Anna said under her breath to Liam. "do you think its about the messy comment?"

"I mean that was just a passing comment," Liam reasoned. "Didn't mean anything mean."

"Yeah but he said she was giving him the ick," Anna pointed out. "Like any girl would feel a bit off after that." Anna then made her way to the kitchen with Chloe, Jake and Liberty joing them for a moment before they went back to talk again. 

Both girls could tell something was off, and Anna's thoughts were emphasized by Faye's look after the couple. The two chatted for a while, hugging and then Jake going to the boys and Liberty heading inside with Faye on her heels. "That's made me nervous," Anna commented to Chloe. "She looked really upset." The blonde agreed, the two looking over to the boys to try to see what was going on.

The girls weren't able to figure it out, Chloe heading to a day bed for a nap while Anna went to lay on a sun lounger. Not long after, Kaz and Tyler returned. The girls went to gather to listen to Kaz describe their date. The girls all sat together for a while before deciding to head upstairs to get ready. 

As she was putting her makeup on, Anna was joined by Lib, the girl describing her day

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As she was putting her makeup on, Anna was joined by Lib, the girl describing her day. "Aw hun," Anna leaned over and grabbed the blonde into a tight hug. "I'm proud of you for making that decision. And it doesn't mean you don't think Jake is a genuine guy, it just means you feel like he isnt that guy for you. And thats ok."

As the girls headed to the firepit with their drink, Anna's phone chimed. "I got a text," she called out with a grin. "Anna and Liam, please get ready to leave the villa on your final date."The islanders all cheered as Anna made her way into Liam's arms. 

"A nice birthday date?" Anna beamed as the two linked hands to make their way to the foyer. The group followed behind them, sending them off with hugs and cheers as they left the villa. After a short car ride, the two pulled up to what looked like a marina. Liam led Anna down the dock to where they could see a table and two chairs set up with drinks and candles. 

"Aw this is stunning," Anna smiled as Liam pulled out her chair. "Thank you babe." The two poured their glasses of wine and toasted before taking a sip. "I feel like it's just right for our final date to be by the water."

"Yeah me too," Liam looked at her with a soft smile. "You excited to get out of here?"

"Kind of," Anna admitted. "It will be nice to be able to just focus on us you know? As much as I love these guys, it's been eight weeks."

"No I feel you," he agreed. "Like I see us being friends for the long haul, but some space would give us all the time to just develop our relationships."

Anna hmmed. "I can't wait to meet your family," Anna said suddenly to Liam's happiness. "Like we're both such family people, it's so weird that, to me, you haven't met my parents or my siblings."

"I feel the same," Liam nodded. "I know my family would love you, but that's just another spect of the relationship that you can't really build in here."

"We did luck out though, just by being from the same area," Anna ran her fingers over his palm. "Like it will be easy for us to go back and meet each others family, and we don't need to worry about how we're going to plan out our time together because of our homes."

"Well I think I just lucked out with you in general," he winked. "But I agree. Like it will obviously be weird not being together all day every day, but I think both of us need that time to come back down to earth a bit and get back to real life."

"Have you ever lived with a girlfriend?" Anna asked. 

"Nah, like I've been to the point where I spend most nights with my last girlfriend, but never to like a shared lease. Have you?"

"Same," Anna agreed. "I think, if I finish up school, that is definitely something to look forward to. Because I'll be kicked out of uni housing." The two laughed.

"Well don't put out any roommate ads," Liam warned. "I'll have to exchanged some words, and I don't want to yell at any young ladies to scare them off."

"I am so happy I got join you for this birthday," Anna smiled softly at him. "Next year will be hard to top."

"You'll be fine love," he reassured with a laugh. "I think we're both just so lucky to have found this. Like, there was no one in here that was even close to making me feel the way you do."

"Same here babe," she pulled up his hand to press a kiss to his palm. "I thought it would be a summer full of fun, and I really feel like we have found something that is going to last a long time."

"We've had our bumps," he leaned in to kiss her hand in return. "But its all worked out. And we're in love aren't we? It's the best feeling in the world."

"I love you babe," Anna almost teared up, leaning over to kiss Liam across the table. 

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