Chapter 15 - The Dagger

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Kami could feel the blood rushing to her head. Hanging upside down, still dangling by one foot, she tried to push away with the other foot, but the tentacle refused to relinquish its grip. Her glowing necklace slipped off her neck. She stretched out her arm and reached for it, but it slipped from her fingers and sunk to the sea floor.

Time was running out. The shark was swimming toward her. Kami rolled her body up and grabbed the tentacle-wrapped foot, tearing at the tentacle in a frantic attempt to release it, but the squid held her too tight and she fell back into her dangling position. The shark's mouth opened and all she could see was row after row of teeth. She covered her face with her hands and braced for the impact.

Suddenly she was falling. She looked up to see the shark snap its jaws through the empty spot where she'd been and slam into the squid.

Kami hit the bottom and saw the piece of tentacle that had been holding her. Haji swam toward her, dagger still in hand. He must have slashed the tentacle to save her. He handed her the scarab necklace, and she slipped it back on.

She looked up at the fight looming above her. The shark was quicker than she'd imagined, but not fast enough. Another tentacle shot out and punched its way through the shark. It wriggled in a bloody frenzy. She wondered if one tentacle would really be strong enough to hold it.

It didn't need to. The squid grasped the shark with two of its tentacles and pulled it to its mouth, tearing the shark with its beak. She saw something falling and moved just before it hit her. It was a huge chunk of shark flesh. The water was stained red with blood.

They had to get out of here. Now. The bloody water was sure to attract more sharks. She looked up at the squid again. It was consuming the shark way too fast. Their only chance for escape was to leave while the squid was still distracted.

Haji led the way and she followed, trying to avoid the chunks of shark that floated all around her. They swam hard and fast. Haji found a spot where the light filtered through the water and started up toward the surface. She pushed against the seafloor and swam  upward. Just a little bit further.

Then she felt something wrap around her middle and jerk her back. She looked down to see a tentacle bound tightly around her waist. 

Haji surged toward Kami, but just as he lifted his arm to cut Kami free, his eyes widened and he disappeared, whooshed away in a stream of bubbles. Then she was flying upward too. The monster turned her to face it. She could see her reflection in the gleam of its monstrous red eye. She looked around her. At least she was right side up this time instead of dangling by an ankle. Haji was gripped by the squid as well, his arms pinned to his sides, rendering the dagger useless. She struggled against her captor. It felt like steel bands encircled her waist. At least her hands were free.

Bits of shark still floated around them. The squid's shadowy beak was only feet away from them now. She felt panic coming on, and intense fear that this was the end.

Faces flooded her mind, her mother, Gedo, Yasmin, Rosa, her friends. Liam. What if she never returned home? Would her life be cut short before she had a chance to see what she and Liam could become? Her heart clenched. Then she heard a reminder, a voice from the cave. Of all people, it was Gedo's voice.

"Don't give up hope."

She couldn't succumb. She couldn't. Her friends counted on her. They wouldn't make it unless she did. They needed her. Instinctively, she clutched her necklace. She reached down into her depths, no longer fighting the fear but not giving in to it either. Kami rode the fear, focusing her energy on the necklace. She could feel her mind molding with it, could feel the power growing stronger and stronger. The necklace glowed brightly.

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