Chapter 42 - The Kiss

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Kami stood facing the Mediterranean, gazing at the waves that lapped gently against the sand of Mamoura Beach in Alexandria. She could hear the cries of the seagulls, and feel the spray of the water on her face.

She wore a gorgeous coral colored dress with an embroidered neckline that Yasmin had loaned her. The silky material flowed in the breeze and brushed up against her bare legs. It felt amazing to finally be clean again after living in her filthy clothes for so long.

Kami felt two arms wrap around her stomach. She rested against Liam's chest, her head tucking nicely under his chin.

"Can I steal you away for a few minutes?" Liam whispered. She smiled, slipped out of his arms and called over to her family.

"I'll be back in a few," she said with a quick wave. She didn't bother to look for Gedo's reaction.

Liam twined his fingers with Kami's as they walked along the beach until they were out of sight. She slipped off her sandals and held them with her free hand. She loved the feel of the sand on her feet and the warmth of Liam's hand in hers. She took a deep breath and sighed.

"What was that for?" Liam asked.

"I'm happy," she said. "Happy we made it, happy we beat the Shadow Queen, happy to be with you."

"I'm happy to be with you too," Liam said.

"So, how'd your parents take it when they found out where you had been?"

Liam made a face.

"That bad, huh?" Kami asked.

"Worse, actually. I think I am grounded for the rest of my life. I'm lucky they let me come to the funeral. What time do you leave tomorrow?"

"We leave on a 1:00 flight. It's going to be a long way home."

"Good luck finding a better seat mate than me," Liam said.

"Maybe I should just start winking at all the guys and see if I have any takers?" Kami teased.

"Not funny," Liam scowled, then chuckled. "Okay, maybe a little bit funny. I guess I had that coming."

"At least we can be fairly certain the plane won't be attacked by one of the queen's minions. The queen is locked up securely, right?" Kami asked.

"Locked up tight," Liam said.

"I never did hear what they decided to do with the jar piece," Kami said.

"They locked it up tight too, supposedly. I don't think they'll underestimate it, not after all the deaths the Shadow Queen caused."

"Sooo, if your parents are so ticked off, will they let you visit me in California?"

"You forget that I would be leaving Egypt, which is what they wanted me to do in the first place. I will come soon. Scout's honor."

Kami picked up her scarab and held it up so Liam could see.

"Look. If you squint very carefully, you can see where we added my name." Liam took the scarab, looked at closely, then grinned at her.

"Kimi? I think you misspelled it."

"Let me look at that," Kami said, pulling it back and peering at it closely. "I did not!"

It felt good to be able to joke with Liam again after living under so much tension for so long.

"It's going to be hard to leave the necklace behind, but Gedo is afraid I'll get into trouble if I take it out of the country."

"Probably wise," Liam said. "Let's just hope you never have a reason to wish you still had it."

"Let's hope."

Kami thought of what her grandmother had told her about the bloodstone prophecy. She wondered if there was any connection to the vision she had seen in the cave. There were too many similarities. Perhaps, in her dream, she had been Saad.

"What are you thinking about?" Liam asked.

"The cave," Kami replied.

"Speaking of the cave, I seem to recall mentioning some unfinished business," Liam said with a teasing voice.

He wrapped his arms around Kami and drew her close. She rested her hand lightly against his chest and looked up with a teasing smile.

"And what business would that be?"

Her voice trailed off as she looked into Liam's eyes and saw a look, a look that spoke of devotion and admiration. A look that said he was staring at someone infinitely precious to him.

In the distance, the sky was ablaze with a wash of intense red, yellow, and orange hues. Her heart throbbed at its stunning beauty. She felt a breeze ruffle her hair. It was as if a spell had been woven around them, enveloping the two of them in their own private and sacred world where no one else could enter.

"Is this a romantic enough spot?" Liam whispered into her ear.

She nodded and smiled, feeling blissfully content in his arms.

His hands slipped behind the nape of her neck and he pressed his lips to hers with a passion and intensity that shook her to her core. It was as if every wish, hope, dream and pent up desire was poured into the kiss. He kissed her like a drowning man who had been struggling for air so long he didn't think he would live, but now that he knew he would he couldn't stop breathing.

The kiss sent Kami's mind reeling. Her body exploded in a frenzy of delicious sensations. She had never felt so alive. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to experience it fully.

Long after the kiss ended, they held each other, Kami's head tucked under his chin. She marveled at all they had been through together. There were things they had seen that were too hard to talk about. The bodies of those they couldn't save in time, the ones Kami had no power to heal. She thought of Samuel's situation, and wondered whether he would ever be able to function normally. And then there were the bones, the reminders of the evil unleashed. The Shadow Queen's power was diminished, but she wasn't dead. It would take time to clean up the mess she'd left behind.

Kami thought of her mother, of her loss and pain in the wake of her father's death. How hard would it be to lose a husband? Someone you had bonded to so completely that you couldn't imagine wanting to live without him?

Some wounds could never be healed, some pain never completely erased, only eased somewhat by time. She hoped she could live each day fully, and live worthy to meet those who had gone before. She hoped her actions honored those like Haji's father, who made the ultimate sacrifice so they could live.

"What are you thinking about?" Liam asked.

"Death," Kami said. "And life after death."

"Well then," Liam said. "Here's to living, and making life worth living. And speaking of making life worth living..." He grinned that impish smile she loved so much and pulled her in for another kiss.


The End. 

Aaah I can't believe it. I'm so glad you made it to the end with me.

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Dedication for this chapter goes out to an awesome Wattpadder Animal_Girl27. To follow, click on the dedication link. Thanks so much for your support of my stories. You rock!

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