Chapter 25 - Returning

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Long before the sun cast its first rays on the hard-baked earth, Samuel's battered jeep led an odd procession of vehicles into the desert. They had scrounged up every vehicle they could find that would handle the sandy terrain to transport the unusual posse of former police officers and Bedouins to the Shadow Queen's lair.

Kami had determined not to drive back with her Gedo. She was no longer as angry with him as she had once been, but she still didn't relish the idea of being trapped in a vehicle and questioned by him for hours. In the end, her worries were unnecessary. Gedo informed her he was traveling with friends. He had confessed that there were still some of the former officers that were not fully committed to the cause and he hoped that he could strengthen their resolve on the way. Kami had agreed to his plan with enthusiasm, and not simply for selfish reasons. Her Neina's life was at stake, not to mention Yasmin and Liam's lives. They needed every bit of help they could get.

In the end, she ended up traveling with Haji and a few of his friends. That suited her fine. She sat in the passenger side next to Haji.

When she'd first seen the entourage of vehicles, Kami had a suspicion that at least a few of the vehicles would break down on the way. So far her prediction hadn't come true, but even so, Kami couldn't shake the foreboding feeling that deepened with every mile. They had done all they could to prepare. She hoped it would be enough, but deep inside she doubted. There was no element of surprise this time, and surely the queen had prepared for the probability of their return.

Based on the serious expression on Haji's face, she could see he was probably sharing similar doubts. She needed to distract him, and herself.

"How did you and Liam first meet?" she asked.

Haji looked startled by her question, but quickly relaxed into an easy grin, the one she remembered from the airport. She hadn't seen him smile like that since Liam had been taken prisoner. She was glad to see it; it had been too long.

"I'm not sure I should tell you," Haji said.

"What? Was he making a fool of himself or something?"

"Something like that. He was flirting with a girl," Haji said.

"Of course," Kami groaned. So predictable. "Let me guess. He was flirting with her while on a plane that was being attacked by shadow terrorists. Was she was falling all over him?"

"It wasn't on a plane. I had just been hired to be his driver and was picking him up from school," Haji said. "The girl's reaction was the opposite, actually. She turned him down. What I found interesting was that it didn't even faze him at all. Liam walked away whistling. I wouldn't have had the guts to do that."

Kami felt an intense pang of jealousy. She shook her head. It was ridiculous to resent some random girl. She and Liam hadn't even known each other back then. Still, she couldn't resist asking the question.

"Do you think Liam really likes me? Or am I just one more girl to flirt with?"

Haji paused a bit too long.

"Haji! You're supposed to reassure me!"

"Do not read too much into my hesitation. The truth is, I don't know. I don't want to guess or pretend to read Liam's mind."

"But what do you think? You've known him for a lot longer than I have."

"I think you are good for him. He's had too many girls chase after him. I enjoy watching him squirm. He needs a girl that will challenge him."

Haji's words were a bit more reassuring, but not much. If Liam hadn't discussed his feeling with Haji, maybe his feelings for her weren't as serious as she had imagined. On the other hand, she had discouraged his attention at first. Maybe he didn't want to tell his friend much until he was more sure of her affection.

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