Chapter 29 - Deceptions

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Kami padded alongside Haji and Gedo, marveling at how gracefully she moved in the shadow creature's body. Deep within, she could still feel the jaguar stirring. She was glad that, at least for now, it seemed willing to submit to her.

They were approaching the guards now, and one of them spotted Haji and Gedo. The guard, a tall, stern looking woman, pushed her way through the shadow creatures and walked briskly toward them. She stopped, speaking rapidly in Arabic with Haji, who answered her just as roughly. Gedo scowled next to him, looking convincing in his role as prisoner.

The guard turned and led them toward the mouth of the cave. Haji, Gedo and Kami trailed behind.

As they entered the cave again, the memories and emotions of the last time she'd been there came flooding back. She remembered the frustration of waiting on the outside with Gedo and Samuel, then the clash with the shadow creatures.

They passed the dripping stalactites at the mouth's entrance, and Kami imagined for a moment Liam's hand stuck in the wax. It must have been terrifying to have a creature this size stalking him. She shuddered to think what the jaguar might have done to Liam if he hadn't escaped in time.

The group walked on, following the wax river and coming to the place where the wax thundered down, permeating the air with a heady perfume. They passed that too, and headed deeper into the bowels of the cave. Kami's heart fluttered as she neared the opening to the wax lake.

The last time she'd been here, she'd fought creatures. Now she was controlling one. It was a strange thought. She remembered the expression on Liam's face silently begging her to stay back, to find safety. The memory of leaving Liam and Yasmin had haunted her dreams long enough. If they were here, if they were still alive, she would save them and her Neina. Her heart fluttered at the thought of being near Liam again, of feeling his touch on her skin. Focus, Kami ordered herself.

The group walked through the opening and immediately her eyes locked on a figure strapped to a cluster of stalagmites wearing just his trousers and shoes and surrounded by several guards holding weapons. Liam! She could see serious wounds on his bare torso and arms, wounds that still looked fresh. They had whipped him recently!

Her muscles tensed as the anger flowed through her and something fierce stirred within. Her gaze shifted to the shadow queen standing before Liam, mocking her Liam. Her feral instincts took over. She crouched and hissed.

Just as she her body coiled preparing to spring, a rough voice yelled at her and she felt an excruciating pain on her back. She dropped to the ground and whimpered until the pain began to ebb. Looking up, she was shocked to see Haji standing over her with a shadow whip and a scowl on his face.

"Try that again and you will get much worse," Haji snarled. Kami hissed at him and he lifted the whip, prepared to strike again.

"You can never trust the queen's beasts," the female guard said, removing her whip and stepping forward. "Let me take care of this one as you take the prisoner to the queen."

No! Around the red edges of pain, Kami remembered something important. She needed to cool this, to calm this. She had a mission. If the female guard took her away, she wouldn't be able to help Liam. Kami focused.

She breathed deeply. In and out. In and out until she was calm. The anger was still there, but it was contained and cooling.

"Wait," Haji said. "I have it under control."

The female guard hesitated, then tucked her whip back into her belt. She nodded at Haji to lead on.

As they neared Liam, she could see the expression on his face. She imagined what he must see—Gedo flanked by a guard and the shadow creature he'd evaded the first time he'd entered the cave. When she had first glimpsed him upon entering the cave, he had been struggling against the ropes that bound him tightly. Now, as he saw them, his face paled and he held very still.

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