Chapter 34 - Complications

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Kneeling on his hands and knees on the ground of the cave, Gedo reached for the keys. His vision blurred and he missed. He blinked rapidly and tried again, this time snagging them. Gedo grasped a bar to pull himself back up, but before he could, he felt something hard against his back and froze.

"Stop," a rough voice ordered. "Hand me the keys."

The object pressed against his back was likely a gun. Gedo looked over at the shadow creature inhabited by Kami. It was sitting on the ground resting.

"Kami, I need a little help here," Gedo said.

But the shadow cat licked its right paw and did nothing.

This didn't make any sense. Why was she just sitting there?

"Now," the guard ordered again, digging the gun into his ribs. Slowly, Gedo handed the keys over. He was feeling light-headed now, and weak. So weak.

"Move," the guard said, slamming the gun into him. Gedo tried to stand, but his limbs were trembling too much. He landed on his hands and knees. Pain shot through him as the guard kicked him viciously in the side. He fell to the ground.

The guard cursed and unlocked the door to the cell.

"In!" the guard ordered. Gedo stared up into the shocked faces of the people, his people. He recognized a few of them from the village, though it was shocking how different they looked with their tattered clothes and haggard faces. Pulling himself up onto his hands and knees, he crawled into the cell. The guard slammed the door behind him and locked it securely.

Gedo glanced down at his bleeding shoulder. Why hadn't he felt the pain before? The shock must have masked it. He was starting to feel the pain now. His vision blurred again, and he could barely make out the face of a woman with cool fingers pressing a rag to his shoulder.

He blinked, but his vision did not restore. The pain was increasing in intensity. Gedo felt an overwhelming sense of despair as the reality of their situation sunk in. They were going to die, all of them. He had failed them.


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Things don't look so hot for Gedo! If you can, play the soundtracks as you read the chapters. It really adds to the ambiance! So I know that this is a short chapter. I personally am a big fan of short chapters at the end of suspense books to help up the tension. The good news for you is I'm posting another chapter today! So read on for more. 

Dedication goes out to an awesome Wattpadder RickyPine! He writes cool Spidey stories and other fun things. You can follow him and his work by clicking the dedi link.

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