Chapter 7

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"Sei fottutamente pazzo fratello?" I stared at the ebony fidgeting on the other side of the glass and back to my apparently mad brother.
[ Are you fucking mad brother]

"Sprechi più di un milione per una fottuta puttana?" The man just stared down at me with a smug look on his face.
[You waste over a million on a fucking whore]

"Sono abbastanza sicuro che i soldi mi appartengano. Non riesco a capire perché dovresti vederci un fottuto problema." He shot back in a bored tone.
[ I'm quite sure the money is mine. So I fail to comprehend why you'd have a problem with it]

"Sono i nostri soldi. I soldi della mafia." I argued. Yes he's capo but that doesn't fucking matter.
[It's our money. The mafia's money]
"Vai a prendere la puttana, così possiamo andare avanti."That was his last command before he strutted off.
[ Just go collect the bitch, so we can get going]
If we weren't brothers I'd have thrown my shoe right at the back of his head. Or better yet, gun butt his big ass head. I always have to do these fucking shit for him. I'm second in command, not his fucking slave.

Making my way down the halls and down two flight of stairs I finally reached where they kept the whores. I could hear the silent weeps they tried their best to stifle as I passed.

Fucking pathetic.

The little girl Luciano just bought flashed into my mind. She was quite a catch, very beautiful I have to admit. Full curves and the innocence alot of men in the mafia lusted after. She still wasn't worth the 1.5 million if you ask me but I am in no position to question my brother's decision. I wasn't really ready to have him put a fucking bullet between my eyes.

She wouldn't be the first he's bought, and all of them have ended up dead. Some the day after being purchased and others weeks. He even killed one the night he bought her. At least I can keep a bitch in my bed. I have my own personal whore at home, she's been there for a while. Two years I believe. Unlike Luciano. The man is a fucking mafia boss, and a rolling stone. The two don't go well together. Investors need to feel a sense of stability when putting their money into our hands. And let me tell you, my brother, is the farthest thing from stable. He is literally crazy.

Mental instability is his middle name.

It shocked me though, he's never spent so much money on a whore. He never even came close to that amount. It'll be a shame if she dies early.

I sighed to myself, turning the handle of an all too familiar door. As soon as I entered I was blessed with the glorious sight of Emelia sitting on a stool by some mirrors.

She's not so glorious but whatever.

"Enzo!" She beamed, a broad smile etching across her lips.

I'm about to fuck that mouth.

"Hello beautiful, how have you been?" I tried making small talk. I didn't want to seem like a brute by just ordering her to her knees, even though that's exactly what I was.

"I've been doing well, and you?" She cooed seductively.

Shut the fuck up and suck my cock.

"Great, but you know what'd make it better?" I etched towards her. She got up from where she was once seated and I took my place there. Immediately, she dropped to her knees unbuckling my belt.

Good girl, well I mean woman. She was older than me after all.

Yeah I know, I have a bitch at home. That doesn't mean I can't enjoy myself.

And fuck Luciano, I'm having a little fun before I collect his bitch.

This bitch was trying to milk my cock dry. Save some for Valeria for when I get back to Italy. God I had to remove her mouth from my dick.

"That's enough." I shoved her head from my cock, buckling back myself and fixing my slacks. I could see a hint of embarrassment in her eyes and she struggled back to her feet. I didn't care.

She fixed her skirt and stood there admiring me. I smirked.

I know I'm hot bitch, you don't have to make it that obvious. Fucking eye candy.

That's Valeria's line.

"I'm looking for an African American girl. She was just purchased by Luciano and I'm sort of in a hurry to collect her."

"Name?" Was all she responded with.

"I don't really remember, it begins with a K. I think." This is getting really boring.

"Kelsey? Luciano bought her?" She looked shocked. I just nodded.

"She's down the hall in the dressing room. She was supposed to be back already. You'll find her down there with her escort." I saw the frown that took over her face.

I just nodded and left, not wanting to engage in anymore conversation with her.

I arrived at the dressing room and was greeted with the most unexpected surprise. You could only imagine my shock as I watched the stupid man who obviously has a death wish, hovering over my brother's property.

I was fucking livid as a watched him get down on the floor with her as she silently cried. I saw a look of hopelessness in her eyes as he shifted her underwear.

"Such a pretty little virgin pus.." before he could finish his disgusting praises I put a bullet in the back of his head.

He didn't even know he was dead or how he fucking died. Never saw it coming.

I smiled to myself as his body slowly fell unto the almost naked girl on the floor. I carefully observed as panic began to take control of her and she froze. It's obvious she's never seen dead body before. For a moment there was a deafening silence, I could hear my own heart beating rapidly in my chest, amalgamated with her intense breathing.

The silence that once hung in the room was soon obliterated by an ear numbing scream. Fuck. But it soon return as I witnessed her body fall limp under his.

I rushed over to her checking her pulse. She was alive, just unconscious. Thank God. I quickly pushed the rapist from her body before his dead weight crushed her small figure.

Lord was she a sight to behold. Fucking beautiful breasts.

Shaking the thoughts from my head, I grabbed a coat from the hangers and quickly slipped it on to her body.

Taking one last glance at the dead man I scoffed. Fuck him for thinking he could defile  Luciano's property.

He purchased a virgin. And a virgin is exactly what I intend on bringing to him.


Woohoo 🎉🎉
Another Chapter. I hope you enjoyed it.


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