Chapter 8

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"Girlie. Hey. Wake up." I heard a distant voice, then feeling myself being shaken vigorously.

"Are you dead?" The voice said again, this time concerned laced it's words.

Am I? Am I dead.

"Oh my God! You are dead!" I heard it yell. The sound immediately agitated me, summoning my headache. I groaned in pain as a splitting feeling traveled up the back of my head. I slowly opened my eyes and screamed as I saw a girl sitting over me and staring directly into my eyes, her face merely inches away from mine.

"Oh thank heavens. You're not dead." She smiled at me, flashing her pearly whites.

"The fuck!" I yelled shoving her from me, she landed off the bed unto the floor with a loud thud.


Where the fuck am I?

I looked around to discover that I was inside of a bedroom. A large fucking bedroom. How did I get here?
Suddenly, everything came rushing back to me. The loud bang, the blood, the eyes. Those fucking eyes. They were just looking at me, staring into my soul. Totally numb, soulless, lifeless and emotionless. He was dead, someone shot him right in his fucking head before he could rape me.

He was going to rape me. Take my virginity, my innocence. The only thing that seems to place value to my life, he wanted to rip it from me. That heartless man. He deserved to die and I wish it was by my own hands.

I was brought from my thoughts as I heard the girl getting up from the floor and dusting herself off.

"Wh..where am I?" I asked her trying to fill that blank space in my mind.

She narrowed her eyes at me and I took that moment to fully observe her features. She was a perky brunette, plump pink lips and huge boobs. At least compared to mine they were. She wore a spaghetti strap black dress with her hair wrapped at the top in a messy bun. Her skin was a soft milky white and she had freckles dotting across her nose. She was beautiful. I hadn't realized how long I was staring until I heard her clear her throat.

" I know I'm hot, you don't have to make it that obvious." She smirked and I scrunched my nose feeling annoyed. Cocky much.

"Firstly." She spoke again. "You don't go around shoving people off beds around here. Secondly stop looking at me like I'm a pile of shit." I almost laugh at the second remark, had it not been for the position I was in.

"And.... thirdly," she joined me on the bed again. " You're in Italy."

"What?" I yelled, "How the fuck did I get to Italy?" This has to be some fucking joke.

"Yeah, you got here two days ago." She stated, shrugging her shoulders. " The doctor said you suffered mildly severe head trauma and you'd be out for a while. I noticed how close she was moving to me. There was a small space separating us now.

"So I'm in Italy." I sighed turning my head to the side so she wouldn't see my pain.

I didn't ask for this. I didn't ask for any of this. My life is so fucking pathetic. I'm fucking pathetic. I was neglected by my own parents and as I start to make a life for myself, my freedom is ripped away from me. Just like my ancestors. I was sold to a man whom I know absolutely nothing about, almost raped and now here I am. On the other side of the fucking world, in another fucking continent with no fucking idea of how I got here.

Through the corner of my eyes I saw that girl's hand, slowly and steadily creeping towards my hair. As she was about to feel it I softly slapped her hand away.

"Ow!" She cried out as my actions apparently took her by surprise. Is she crazy or something.

"Don't do that." I warned and she sighed.

"I'm really sorry I didn't know you'd be offended. I'm so sorry."


"I really am sorry." She pressed.

"I heard you the first and second time." I replied with annoyance coating my voice.

"Jeez, no need to get so moody." She threw her hands up in surrender. "I know how you feel and.." I cut her off before she could finish.

"No you don't!" I scoffed at her. How dear she try to act as if she understands my situation.

The room fell silent as I pulled my legs to my chest, leaning against the headboard. She fumbled with her fingers and her mouth randomly opened and shut at times as if she wanted to say something but kept stopping herself.

I stared down at my toes, feeling small and helpless. I wish I was a big toe. At least they don't get sold.

They don't get sold right?

"I was bought too." I quickly averted my gaze from my toes and to her face. It was covered with a sad, depressing look. "So yes, I do know how you feel."

I felt my heart sink to the pit of my stomach as guilt ripped at my chest.

"I'm sorry." I found myself apologizing to a girl I knew absolutely nothing about.

"It's ok. Sometimes the things that seem hopeless can be the ones filled with the most hope." She smiled weakly at me and I couldn't help but smile back at her.

I think I like her.

"I'm Valeria and I live here." She beamed stretching her hand for a handshake. Talk about mood change.

"Kelsey." I shook her hand and she kept staring at my hair.

"Don't try it." I warn again.

"I won't. I promise." She crossed her heart. I chuckled at her childish action.

"So, what do you do here?" That was my small attempt at making conversation.

"I'm owned." Was all she said. Expressionlessly.

"Owned." I gulped, remembering I was bought and now owned as well.

"Yeah. It not all that bad."

Tell that to the ancestors.

I started panicking at I heard a door handle twisting. Looking towards the area from which the sound resonated, I saw the door open and a huge man stepped in. He was huge, wait I said that already. His muscles were overly visible from under his white dress shirt and my eyes followed the tattoos that trailed up his neck.

" Valeria." His voice boomed. "What are you doing in here?"

She froze looking from me to him.

"I was just checking on the newbie." She shrugged.

"Go to my room." He ordered. It sounded ten times more demanding because of the accent that dripped from each word.

Without hesitation Valeria got up from the bed and left the room. As she was walking pass, I saw him whisper something in her ear and she giggled. Like a damn lunatic. The fuck.

"And you." He turned his attention to me, almost causing me to piss on the bed.

"The boss man wants you in his office."

End of another Chapter 😊
I hope you enjoyed ☺️

Thank You so much for the support and I hope you like my story so far🤠


Until the next chapter.... Adios 😘

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