Chapter 72

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I opened my eyes and groaned. My entire body was in burning pain.

But that's what I get. I more than deserved it.

I was tortured mercilessly by Petrov's men. Those days I spent there were hell itself. My heart leaped with hope when Luciano and Enzo burst through those metal doors and took me away.

They saved me and I was least deserving of it. I hurt them. I hurt the people I cared for and yet, they still had it in their hearts to forgive me.

And as for my wife. I was pissed and disappointed, but I couldn't hate her. I just couldn't. She did it to save our son and I'd willingly give my life to see my little boy live.

At first, I felt betrayed and I still did. But hearing the things Mila went through, from Petrov's own mouth. Made a dreadful fire burn within me. I wanted to kill the man, I wanted to make him suffer.

I knew I wasn't the best man on earth, but how the fuck do you hold a gun to an innocent baby's head. How could he threaten a new born's life like that.

The man was a pig, and he was to be slaughtered like one.

"Dad." I heard Dmitri's voice and I slowly turned my head towards him. He was sitting on his mother's lap while she stared down at me with tears in her eyes.

He reached out to me but his mom held him back. "You can't hassle him now, he's hurt." She spoke sweetly to our boy and he frowned.

"I've seen worst days, Mila." I assured, taking my son into my arms and engulfing him in a longing hug.

"I missed you." My boy snuggled into my chest and my heart rate picked up.

"I missed you too." I sighed, kissing his head. "I missed you so much."

Mila stared at us and broke down in tears. I had to admit, it hurt me to see her cry but it hurt me more that she betrayed me. Even though I knew it was to save our son.

"I'm so sorry, Vlad." She cried. "I never wanted to do it but I couldn't let them hurt my baby."

"He's my baby too." I stated in a angered tone. "You keep saying my baby, Mila. He's our baby. Ours. "

"I know, I'm sorry. I couldn't let them take our baby. I just couldn't." She sobbed. "You have to believe me."

"You could've warned me when you got back. I would've protected you. I would've protected you both." I argued. "You know I wouldn't let anything happen to you guys."

Mila cried even more. "I want to believe you but I can't. That's exactly what you said when they took me. You said you'd protect me and they'd never hurt me." Tears filled my eyes as she spoke.

"But they did, Vladimir. They did. They took me and they hurt me. And you promised." Mila wept. I did promise, and I failed.

"It was different back then, I'll do better now. " I assured her, taking her hand in mine. "I will give my life to see you two live."

"I really didn't mean to. I just had to keep him safe." She cried and I hugged her. It felt good to have them both in my arms again.

My family.

"I know baby. I know." I cooed, rubbing her head.

It was gonna take a while to fix things between us, but I'd make it work for my little boy. I loved them both, dearly.

My head shifted to the door when I heard it open and Luciano stepped in.

"Oh.. I'll come back later." He stated, turning to leave after seeing us.

"No." Mila stopped him. "You two need to talk so I'll take Mitri and head out."

She took our son after I gave him one last kiss on the head and left. Luciano nodded to her as she exited the room.

He walked over to me and took a seat in the chair that Mila was in a short while ago. There was an awkward silence lingering for a while until he spoke.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, staring intensely at me.

"Like shit." I retorted, hanging my head low.

"You don't just feel like shit. You look like shit and you are shit." He stated blankly as he took my arm and examined the bruises.

Kelsey was really rubbing off on him.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, feeling pathetic. His gaze shifted from my arm to my eyes and his face softened.

"Why Vlad?" He asked. "What are you sorry for?"

"Everything." I answered, my heart breaking.

"Everything?" Luciano narrowed his eyes at me. "For having a relationship with us? For spending time with us? For all those moments we share? Are you sorry for all that?"

My face contorted into a look of shock. I didn't mean it like that.

"No, I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry for hurting you." I confessed and he nodded.

"You should be." He grumbled. "We gave ourselves to you and you just threw us away like trash. How could you?"

"I'm sorry, Luciano. I really am." I explained. "I have no justification for what I did and I shouldn't want to justify my actions because I was wrong."

"You were."

"I admit I was and I hope that you both will forgive you." I pleaded as he stared into my eyes.

"I've already forgiven you, Vladimir. But I don't think my fiance will be so forgiving." He explained and I smiled before realizing his last words.


"Fiance?" I asked and he nodded. I felt a pull at my heart.

"Congratulations." I smiled. I was happy for them, even though my heart was breaking. I shouldn't have felt that way, I had a wife and kid that I loved deeply.

"Thank You."

"Where is she?" I asked, a feeling of longing taking over.

"She's in bed." He answered and I farrowed my brows at him. It wasn't like her to stay in bed this late.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked, my voice laced with concern.

"She's pregnant." He informed and that's when I fucking lost it. I broke into tears.

I didn't know why exactly I was crying, I just knew that it hurt me. It hurt me so bad.

They were happy together. They deserved each other and I was being selfish. I had my own life, my own source of happiness but I was jealous.

The thought that she could've been carrying our baby made my heart burn.

"I'm happy for you." I forced a smile, wiping my tears while Luciano stared at me. His eyes were clouded with tears as he shook his head.

"Thank you." I was caught off guard when her grabbed me into a big hug. I honestly missed their touch.

It made me a little happier that he wasn't rubbing their accomplishment in my face.

"Now come on." He smiled, letting go. "Petrov is waiting."






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