Chapter 69

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As if right on schedule with the plan, the truck was coming down the road at full speed.

"Delivery truck at 3:00." Enzo spoke through his earpiece. "Heads up Carlo."

Right after the order was given, Carlo stepped out of the police car and flagged down the truck.

"This uniform makes my ass itch." He grumbled to the others, scratching his butt as the truck came to a stop. Kelsey and the others chuckled on the other end of his earpiece.

"Execute phase one." Luciano ordered and Carlo held up his fake badge towards the two African American men seated in the truck.

"License and registration." Carlo ordered and the guy passed them to him. He looked down at the pieces of info and frowned.

They were long expired. It puzzled him how they were just driving around with useless information on American roads. Wasn't that illegal. Then again, they were moving drugs.

Yes, Vlad was in America.

When Carlo looked back up from the papers, the itch in his ass immediately disappeared. One of guys had a gun pointed at his head.

"Snipers, on point." Luciano announced. "Shoot."

And just like that each man had a bullet to his head. Clean headshot.

"Thought my ass was grass for a second." Carlo laughed, walking back to his car and scratching his butt.

"Grahams." Kelsey called through her earpiece.

"Yes, my lovely child." Her father teased and she frowned.

"You're up." Enzo announced and within seconds Graham and Keon swiftly left the bushes and ran towards the truck. Two more men followed, removing the bodies as Kelsey's brother and father took control of the truck.

"We're in." Keon stated, starting up the engine.

"Good." Kelsey praised, causing her brother to smile.

"Dear daughter." Graham cheesed. "If we make it out alive, I owe you a few tea parties in your doll house."

"I'll hold you to that." Kelsey laughed and her father nodded.

"Now, come and get us." She ordered as her brother reversed and drove back to their vehicle that was parked a few minutes down.  Carlo followed behind.

When Keon reached with the truck, they moved quick. Luciano, Kelsey and Enzo exited their Van and climbed in the back of the delivery truck.

They made themselves comfortable, hiding behind the huge packages of cocaine as Aldo and a few others joined them.

Carlo was the last to enter the truck, still scratching his ass. Luciano frowned and a few people gagged when he smelt his fingers.

"Smells like ass." He chuckled and Enzo sucked his teeth.

"Wait for me." Marco announced, hopping in and closing the doors. "Dante stayed to lead those in the van."

Luciano nodded as the truck pulled off. They were heavily loaded with weapons and ammo.

After about an hour drive, Graham moved the little partition window. "We're approaching the destination." He announced before shutting it again.

"Stay put." Luciano ordered as they heard talking outside. Then, the doors of the truck were swung open.

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