Chapter 2. The Curious Class

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*Next day*

Today Aiden cannot attend school due to his injury, so he is on leave and here I am sitting in my history class, where we are going to learn the things that have happened before, but why we need to remember this. A famous person said that let the past remain in the past, then why should we learn it. I mentally screamed.

Because Aiden is my only friend, so today I have to listen to this nonsense here alone. I have no other choice. All the children sat in their places and waited for the teacher to come.

I thought I should keep my head on the bench till the teacher comes, but then the chair next to me slips and someone sits on it.

I was shocked because until now no one except Aiden sat with me, but when I turn and see who is the person who wants to sit with me, I could not believe it,

CARTER KNIGHT is sitting with me. Hmm but why??

Don't get me wrong, he always sits with his friends and as far as I know I am not his friend.

And before you get confused what Carter is doing in my class because he's a year older than me. Let me tell you that we have to share our history class with our seniors because according to our history teacher, our seniors can help us in our studies by sharing this boring class, it's so stupid isn't it .

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. He looked at me as if I had asked him the dumbest question ever.

"Why do we sit here, instead of doing something more important?, To learn history clearly, obviously" he smirked and I rolled my eyes. Wow and i thought we came here to sleep, nice I learned something new today.

"I mean to say why you are sitting here with me as far as I remember you always sit with your friends and I am not your friend" I said but I'm curious too. "So someone is noticing me ... Interesting" he smirked. ugh This boy is so full of himself.

"I think this is the best place to sleep in class, so I was just sitting here, happy now ...and of course you are feeling quite lonely so I thought I would sit here with you, how can I leave my friend's sister alone?" he said. And he is crazy too.

"I don't need your company, I'm happy alone and you don't have to sit with me because of my brother" I said. Like seriously what kind of a strange reason is this to sit with me "Sure, I can see that," he told me. I glared at me.

Then our teacher arrived, so I did not give any answer to it. I thought of ignoring him and started paying attention to the teacher but I felt his gaze quite often, but whenever I turned in his direction he would always turn his face to the other direction.

"Can I ask you something? '' I asked Carter when our teachers were busy writing on the black board. "Yes, go ahead, curious cat" he replied.

"Why did you fight with Aiden yesterday?" I turned to him. I noticed that his expressions got cold, it seemed as if he remembered something. wonder what it is.

"Why do you want to know that?" He asked. "As you see Aiden is my best friend and you have beaten him very badly, so I want to know the reason because I don't think he would have done anything wrong with you, he is not that kind of guy"I said, shrugging my shoulders.

He looked at me for a while, I was thinking that he was not going to answer me but he said "Why do you have so much trust in him, he could be a bad guy, which you don't know about ''.

"I don't know if he's a bad guy or not, but I know he's good with me and how long someone will pretend to be a good person. "I said. well it is absolutely true, after how long can someone pretend that he is a good person.

A small smile comes on his face. "I can't tell you right now why we fight but I can tell you that you will know this very soon" He said and winked towards me and left me to be more curious as to what I am going to find, but I have come to know that this was not an ordinary fight there is something more, that I can't wait to know.

"Hey, why don't you join us in the canteen? I don't want you to sit alone while eating because, you know" he smirked and I rolled my eyes.

As our class is over and it's lunch break, I thought a little but nodded, I really don't want to eat alone and I can sit with my brother like that. I have never sat with them, so maybe it will be a bit awkward for me, but it is better than sitting alone.

We both walked towards the canteen together. I saw that Bryan and Joshua were sitting there, because there are only four chairs, out of which Bryan or Joshua are sitting on two chairs, so unfortunately I have to sit with Carter.

"Finally my dimple is finally joining us at our table" said Joshua happily And Josh has my nick name me Dimple because I have a dimple on my left cheek, the only thing in me that I am very proud of. Even though I would have talked to all of them at home, but in school I always stay away from them because these people are quite popular and I do not want anyone from our school to be friends with me just because she wants to come close to them.

It's just I want some true friends who should be friends with me because they want to be my friend, not just coz for them. Bryan and Josh always keep telling me that I can join them anytime, I just never did. Carter never did, so when he invited me to his table today I was shocked.

"Well Carter asked me to sit here with you all today so I'm here because you know my friend is on leave because he got bruises" I said. It looks like Josh is about to say something but Carter stops him. "You're always welcome here princess you know right," said Bryan. "Of course I know, and you know why I don't" I said with a smile. "I know" he replied.

I don't know, but the atmosphere of this table is becoming quite strange for some other reasons, and the way they look at each other, It seems like they are hiding something. I don't know what it is, but I really want to find it.


Why did Carter and Aiden fight while they were such good friends earlier?

What is Carter hiding from Anna?

Well you will have to wait a bit to know the answers to these questions.

I hope you liked this chapter.

Take care all of you and stay tuned💜

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