Chapter 3. Strawberry blondy

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"Anna, wake up, your brother has already left for school". my mom said from downstairs. I think Brian left without me today,

Oh no... I'll have to walk alone ughh, I hate going alone but wait I have my earphones, looks like I have 'One Direction' today with me so I'm happy to go alone.

I went downstairs, where my mother made me breakfast, I took my sandwich, which I had decided to eat on my way to school, and said goodbye to my mom and kissed her cheek.

This is our routine. Both me and Brian do this before we go to school, which both mom and we love. "Goodbye honey and go carefully," said my mother, "yes boss" I replied and I heard mom's laughter from behind.

As I headed towards my school, I found myself moving according to the beat of the song. It's not my fault, if you listen to the song "What Makes You Beautiful" everyone will do the same. It is such an awesome song that every girl who listens to this masterpiece thinks she is beautiful. And damn girl, I am beautiful but still no one likes me, ughh... leave it.

I entered my school where everything seemed normal, which is a good thing. I went towards my locker and pulled out my books for my first period. English, which is my favourite, I love it, at least it doesn't teach us some past shit that has nothing to do with our lives.

As soon as I enter my class, I go to the last seat of the class, where I usually sit every day. And the reason for this, you all would have been known to all by now. And only minutes after me and other sit down, our teachers enter.

"Good morning students, I hope you have a great day today," said the teacher and we all nodded and replied Good morning to you too.

"Well, today we have a new girl who's going to join our school, Miss Wilson, come here child," and just then an amazing strawberry blond girl entered, and let me tell you she is beautiful and has beautiful blue eyes I'm jealous.... but I think she is the same height as me. Hehehe.

"Hey, my name is Leah, nice to meet you all," she said with a bored face. I chuckled because I know what it's like to introduce yourself to a group of students who are looking at you as if you are a new kind of species.

"Leah you can sit with Anna, Anna raise your hand" I'm not surprised because I'm the only person who sits alone. Here, I raised my hand and Leah started walking towards me.

"Hey, I'm Leah," she said with a smile. "Hey, Anna here," I said and smiled back. "Hey, You don't mind helping me to give a tour of this palace-like school, do you?" she whispered. "Of course I will," I said and smiled at her.

"You know, you're just like me," she said. And I turned to her, with a confused face "Why so?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders and said "I too was alone in my last school, so I feel that you are just like me" she said.

"I didn't think you would be like me" I said. "And it seems to me that a lonely person can recognize another lonely person... Umm nice" I smirk. She laughed at this point, "I think so...." She replied.

"So you want to be my friend" she asked, and how could I miss this opportunity, "Yes sure, we can make our own lonely group, you know" I winked at her. "Like I said, you're just like me" and we both laughed. So today I have finally made a new friend. Yipee

As soon as our class ended, I gave Leah a tour and then we sat down to our place in the canteen where I sit everyday, now I have a girl as a friend with whom I can share all those things , which I can not share with Aiden and I feel much happier today yes I know I'm getting too emotional but it's not my fault, how do you feel when you have no friends and suddenly you have one, I'll tell you it's just like you are in the desert and you see a river, just like that. I went too far I guess.

We both sat in the canteen and started knowing about each other, and came to know that both of us are almost the same, like twins.... umm interesting.

"So Anna, do you have a crush on someone" she said and I choked on my food, where did this question come from, but do I have a crush on someone... Nahh I don't know.

"No, I don't have a crush on anyone." I said, If I had liked someone I would have known "Um hmm, Okay, I believe in you"she said with a smirk, but why do I feel like she is not satisfied with my answer.

"So will you tell me who's that handsome guy.? Who's been watching us for a long time" she said with a smirk. I was confused and looked back to see who she was talking about. And I saw Carter looking in my way but as I turned to him, he turned his face to the other side. And his cheeks turned pink... A little, which made me more confused. What's happening here, can someone help this confused girl.

"Umph" Leah cleared her throat and looked at me with a very suspicious look as if I stole an apple from her backyard and got caught.

"What," I said, "you said you didn't have a crush on anyone, but I feel like someone else has a crush on you," she said. "It's not like that, and I don't think Carter will have a crush on me." I said. Carter has a crush on me, nah it's impossible, it cannot be true.... Right.

Carter is so handsome and I am his opposite. And there are so many beautiful girls here, better than me and I don't think he has a crush on an ordinary and non-social girl like me.

"But if you look from my point of view, I think he likes you" ughh... I don't believe in it and I don't want to talk about it any more, what's the use of talking about something that can't really happen.

"Just leave it, it can't happen" I said with a small smile. She looked at me for a while and shook her head and with a challenging smile she smirked and said "I'll show you that I'm right."


And that's it for today 😁

I'm so glad anna finally found a new friend cause I know how bad it is to be alone🥺🤧.

So what do you think, does Carter have a crush on anna or not?
We'll see 🌝

Stay tuned for find the answers of your questions....

Till then stay happy and healthy💜💜

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