Chapter 6: Whoopie cushion

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Now I am going to tell you a funny incident from last Christmas, which is so hilarious. And whenever I think about it, I always laugh so much that my stomach starts hurting.

Disclaimer Carter mom pun is the best one that makes you laugh like crazy.
Funnily enough, last time Carter and Bryan pranked Joshua at our family Christmas dinner, my parents, Claire my mother and Mason my father and my dear brother Bryan, Carter parents, Zoey his mother and George his father and Joshua's mother Ava and his father Jon and his older sister Jane.

She is my favorite of all, and in this family of ours we have only two girls and the rest are boys so you can imagine how happy I am to have her otherwise I would have been alone among these testosterone.

Before Leah, Jane was the only girl I used to talk to because these boys were busy with their video games and our parents started playing tombola, which is quite boring.

And our parents are bff and you can consider them as brothers. So did my mom, Josh and Carter's mom.

That's why we all celebrate our Christmas together at Carter's Grandparents family home in London because George is British and Zoey is American. Well, Mason and Jon were friends from high school and they both went to NY University together And this is where they both met George.

And since then, the three of them have become besties. And in the same college George met Zoey and after their marriage, both of them decided to stay here in Seattle, with all of us. And Carter's grandparents Freya and Samuel agree but they ask them to spend their Christmas with them and also to bring Josh and my family with them and that's how we all spend our Christmas and New Year with them.

And as for my parents, they have been together since high school, they were high school sweethearts, and Josh's parents met each other for the first time at a family dinner because their parents were friends. Then they were just in elementary school, so you know, love at first sight.

Okay so enough of the introduction I'm tired, let's get back to the hilarious part hehe.

So Carter and Bryan placed a whoopie cushion under Josh's chair and as he sat down, a loud fart was heard throughout the room, and the entire dining table fell silent and everyone looked at Josh. Seriously, this was Josh's most embarrassing moment. His face was so red and like salt on the wound, Carter and Bryan laughed out loud so much that they fell from their seats and lay on the floor laughing and holding their stomachs.

And sorry for Josh as Jane and I laughed too, bro his face was worth seeing, not only we but our fathers were laughing too and I saw how our mothers tried to control their laughter for the sake of Josh . But Freya couldn't do that and she started laughing with us.

And Samuel put food in his mouth, so that no one would know that he was laughing, but Jane and I saw him. And then Jane tells Josh that if he wants to go to the bathroom he can go, he doesn't need to control. This is the moment when no one can control their laughter and everyone laughs.

But it didn't go well for Carter and Bryan, as Mom and Zoey gave them an hour-long 'You two shouldn't have done this with Josh' speech, but we all know they didn't care at all, because they were both laughing secretly. But Zoey is Zoey. She knows both of them very well, so Zoey told them both to wash the dishes and clean the house, which had become messy after the Christmas party, and on hearing this, both of them ran to ask Freya for help.

She was about to tell Zoey to forgive them both, but then Josh told her that 'he wanted justice' and after hearing Josh's sad voice, Freya said that both of them would have to do whatever Zoey is saying, because Josh is hurt by what they have done with him, and then Freya sees Josh's face and his face looked like the face of a puppy that had been abandoned by its owner. Which obviously Josh made just to show Freya his fake hurt.

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