Chapter 6 - Sexy Chaperones

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Gabe stood still for a moment, allowing some of the blood to return to his head so he could think clearly. Claire was making this so damn hard on him, by making him so damn hard. 

"What's wrong?" Claire asked looking up at him. 

"There's too much of an audience." Gabe answered, motioning to the small group who had made their way over to their side of the patio.

"Maybe we should go somewhere else?" Claire said, biting her bottom lip that was swollen from his kisses.  There wasn't anything Gabe wanted more in that moment than to take that lip between his teeth and suck -  hard. It took all his will power, but he stopped himself from doing it - just barely.

It was clear Claire would be up for anything he wanted that night - and normally he’d be happy to take advantage - but Gabe realized that some women only slept with a guy early on if they didn’t care about how things turned out. Not wanting to seem like a slut, they’d hold out if they thought there was any remote chance that he could be “the one”.

While Gabe was already feeling his balls turning blue at the thought of turning her down, he wasn't prepared for this to be a one time thing with Claire. How could he go back to dating empty-headed ditzes after this? If Gabe hadn't been feeling the physical pain of denying himself, he probably would've been able to laugh at at the situation; he was being such a girl. Man, his bros would tease him until the end of time if they ever found out about his passing on the sex.

"No way." Gabe said to Claire's suggestion of leaving. "Our deal was that I'd get a night out with you for my water heater repair services, and I want a real date from you. If we leave now, we both know that what we'll do won't really count as a date."

Not surprisingly, his answer took Claire off guard. She evidently wasn't used to men passing up an offer like the one she'd just implied.  Seeing her confused expression made Gabe certain he'd made the right choice.  He could see that he'd managed to go from hot construction worker, to hot construction worker with good manners in her mind. It still wasn't where he wanted to be with her, but it was definitely closer. Baby steps, he told himself, baby steps.

Gabe realized that his resolve would only last so long without a bit of a distraction “As much as I’m enjoying this one-on-one time with you, I don’t think I’ll make it to the end of the nigh with my manners intact without any chaperones.” He said to Claire.

“The night’s still young, and a couple of my bros are out – I bet they’d come here if you could convince a couple of your girls to come and party with us too.”

“Yes, well, we wouldn’t want to put your reputation at risk, now would we?” Claire said teasing Gabe for his chastity. “If your friends are even half as hot as you are, I have a couple of girlfriends that would be very happy to meet them…  That’s if you’re sure we need the supervision. We could always go without and see where the night takes us.”

Gabe pulled Claire close and gave her another knee-buckling kiss; this time, biting that tantalizing bottom lip of hers. Claire gave a surprised little squeal when he bit down and he pulled away for a second time.

“I’m 100% sure I need some supervision... And maybe a bucket of ice poured over my head while we’re at it.” Gabe said with a groan.


After a series of text messages and 15 minutes, Gabe’s friends arrived at the bar.  Claire thought to herself that the duo was almost as attractive as Gabe - though she acknowledged that with the way he had her worked up, it was highly unlikely she’d find anyone more tempting than him at the moment. Gabe introduced her to Ivan, or Van as he preferred to be called, and Zubin. 

At about 6” Van was the shortest of the three men, but he was also the most muscular. Claire knew that Iris would be all over his hard Russian body like white on rice as soon as she laid eyes on him.

Zubin was almost model perfect; the type of man that was more beautiful than handsome. The East Indian was tall, lean and dark - Miriam would be more than happy to settle for him if Iris called first dibs on Van. 

Claire couldn't wait to see her friends' jaws drop when they arrived here; they'd easily be with the hottest three men in the bar that night. 

Another 20 minutes later, and her friends showed up. Their reactions to the two men were as priceless as Claire had hoped.  Iris practically squealed with delight from the moment she laid eyes on Van’s biceps, and Zubin’s painfully good looks put Miriam at a loss for words - for what was likely the first time in her life.

The men went to the bar to grab a round of drinks for the group. As soon as the three turned their backs, Iris put her arms in the air and playfully bent her body in half, bowing down before Claire. “I’m humbled by your awesomeness oh great one.”

“See… Didn’t I tell you guys they’d be hot?” Claire said, mentally patting herself on the back.

“You said hot, not male models. Holy shit Claire!” Miriam exclaimed with delight.

“This is going to be such an amazing night!” Iris said bouncing up and down with excitement, or in Iris' case, sex-citment.

The men were soon back with the drinks, which helped to quickly break the ice. With each round of drinks the group went through, their dancing increasingly resembled dry humping on the dance floor.  Each girl was shamelessly grinding up against her date for the night; Claire had even noticed her friends sneaking a few kisses with their men. 

By the time last call came around, Claire's feet were swollen and sore.  As much as she still wanted to screw Gabe, the alcohol and dancing made her so tired that all she could think about was crawling into her bed. 

 his chapter is dedicated to @jntlr99... THANK YOU for all your votes and comments. It means a lot that someone out there is enjoying my first attempt at a story like this.

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