Chapter 16 - Man Eater

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Claire stepped into the dimly lit restobar determined to drown her annoyance in gin. She looked through crowd of suits and spotted Iris and Miriam at a table waiting for her. Duke's Monday Martini Madness was practically entirely attended by Bay Street investment bankers - making it chock full of men who would understand the pressure Claire was under at work better than Gabe would.

By the time Claire made her way through the room to her girls, she'd witnessed them give a few eager men the cold shoulder. She couldn't blame the men for trying; the two women looked even more striking in their corporate attire than they did in their bar clothes. Iris was the picture of corporate elegance in her perfectly tailored white suit and Miriam was as glamorous as the women on Mad Men wearing a high-waisted aubergine pencil skirt and silk cream blouse that tied at her neck.

"She's finally here!" Iris said to Miriam when she noticed Claire approaching.

"What took you so long?" Miriam asked Claire in greeting since Claire's office was the closest to Duke's.

"Ugh... It was a very long day. I'll get into it once I have a little gin in me numb the pain of it." Claire answered as she motioned Chloe, their regular waitress, over.

"Hi ladies! I'm glad you came out today. It's the first Monday with our new Martini Menu." The petite waitress with springy blonde hair said cheerfully as she grabbed her order pad and pen from her pouch. "We've got a martini that has your name all over it." Chloe added, turning to Claire.

"That's the best thing I've heard all day. What's the drink?" Claire asked with genuine enthusiasm, happy for a distraction from her shitty Monday.

"It's called a Blushing French 75." Chloe said with an expectant smile.

"Blushing? Tell me more." Claire said eager to hear how Duke's managed to make the classic French 75 even better.

"It's blushing because it's pink! We've replaced the champagne with sparkling rose, the gin with Dillon's Rose Gin and the lemon juice with raspberry juice."

"Sold!" Claire exclaimed with as much enthusiasm as an auctioneer.

"You're such a dork for gin." Iris said with a snort then placed her own order. "I'll have my usual."

"One Dirty Martini coming up!" Chole said. "What about you, do you want your regular Cosmo?" she asked turning to Miriam.

"Please, for the love of God, no. It's literally the most embarrassing drink order EVER." Iris said before Miriam could reply.

"But it makes me feel like Samantha." Miriam whined.

"Sweetie, Sex in the City ended in 2004 - It's time to let go." Claire said as she patted Miriam's arm in mock sympathy.

"You guys are SO MEAN!" Miriam pouted.

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