Chapter 28 - Now in Technicolor

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Claire finished the last bite of her grilled cheese and licked the buttery sheen it left behind on her lips. "That really hit the spot." she said, blissfully full.

Man, Gabe wanted to be the one licking those lips. "See, I told you I wasn't all talk." he said, resisting the urge. Things between them had changed since she first walked through his door that night and Gabe needed time to think.

Before tonight, Claire had only spent time with him when she was feeling happy and horny. But now that had totally changed, she'd had the guts to to show him her vulnerable side and it was as if he'd been introduced to technicolor Claire after only ever seeing her in black and white. Gabe wasn't a complete moron, he'd known that Claire had been holding him at a distance, he just hadn't realized how far away that distance had been.  

The biggest question on his mind was whether or not this emotionally available Claire was a one time thing brought on by her shitty day, or if it was the beginning of the next step for them. 

 "I don't mind cleaning up if you want to go upstairs and have a bath." Gabe offered.He needed a few minutes alone with his thoughts.

"Do I reek?" Claire said with a horrified look on her face. She immediately lifted an arm and took a sniff of her pit.

"Darling. You smell as good as flowers and unicorn farts. I was thinking that you're worn out and figured you might like relax and take a bath. Aren't baths supposed to be good for girls' souls?" 

"Haha. Yes, I guess baths are good for our souls, but I've never really thought about it like that." Claire said. "And what exactly do unicorn farts smell like?"


As the night wore one, Claire grew more confident in her decision to start paying attention to her feelings for Gabe. What more confirmation did she need that Gabe was a catch than finding herself taking a bubble bath while he washed dishes a floor below? Hell, this bathroom was reason enough to keep Gabe around for a while.  With its white walls, black antique claw foot tub and black accents, the space was as impeccably decorated as the rest of the house.  

Claire luxuriated in the bath thinking of their conversation during dinner.  Before Gabe, she'd always dated guys that were on some level the same as her.   Gabe on the other hand, was her polar opposite.  Gabe started his career right after high school; Claire had a university degree. Gabe didn't pay attention to politics; Claire was always up on current events. Gabe's place was spotless; Claire was a slob.  Gabe liked to watch UFC fights; Claire was obsessed with Downton Abbey.  She found it astonishing that even with all their differences, she enjoyed her time with him so much more than the guys who she had a million things in common with.   

But in spite of how much fun she had with Gabe, Claire couldn't help but wonder if she was falling into a cliched "opposites attract" romance that was hot and heavy in the beginning, but ultimately doomed to fail.  Was it inevitable that the allure of discovering the uncharted territory of someone so different from herself would turn into a relationship plagued by dissatisfaction from making constant compromises?  

Ugh. Why couldn't she stop second guessing everything and simply let go and enjoy the ride? Bringing herself back to the here and now, Claire took a deep breath and tried to exhale her negativity.  Her boss Marv had given her enough real life problems to deal with, there was no need for her to create hypothetical ones with Gabe.

"Penny for your thoughts." 

"Ahhh!" Claire squealed, startled by Gabe entering the room. "Man, it really has been a long day.  I didn't even hear you come up the stairs."  Claire said to Gabe. "Or you either." She said to Cupcake who was standing at Gabe's heels. 

"Sorry about that darling." Gabe said - though the smirk on his face made it obvious he thought Claire almost hitting the ceiling was hilarious.  "I thought you might like some dessert."  He said revealing a tub of ice cream from behind his back.

Upon seeing the ice cream, all was forgiven.  Claire loved ice cream. "What flavour do you have there?" She asked. 

"World Class Chocolate; it's a mix of milk and white chocolate" 

"I looove chocolate."

"All chicks do." Gabe said with a wink.

"Now don't I feel special."  Claire teased.

"Sweetheart, you should always feel special."  He said, the playfulness leaving his voice. Gabe sat down beside the bath tub and pulled the lid off the tub of ice cream. He scooped out a spoonful for Claire and fed it to her.

"Mmmm so good." She said, savoring the creamy spoonful.  "I don't care if I am like all the other girls, this is too good not to enjoy."  Claire regretted the comment as soon as the words came out of her mouth.  When had she become so cynical?

"Sorry." She whispered. "I didn't mean it that way.  I'm just... I mean..." She couldn't even get the words out. Today had been emotionally exhausting and she was at her limit.

"Hun, don't worry about it. We're not in high school, we've both got some notches on our belts.  We don't have to pretend any different." He said soothingly.  "And in case you're wondering, you're the only woman I've ever fed ice cream to." He added before spooning more into her mouth.

"Really?"  Claire said, unable to stop herself from beaming at him.  

"Yes, really." He smiled back.

Gabe's sweetness was irresistible to Claire. "Want to come in? The water is still warm?" she said flicking a few drops of water his way.

"No thank you.  That is something I've tried before, and frankly, baths aren't meant for two people. Plus, the second I get in there I won't be able hold myself back, and hun, you need to rest tonight." 

Thinking of Gabe not being able to hold back sent a rush of warmth between her legs. "Maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing." 

"Please, you were practically asleep when I came in here."

"Was not." 

Gabe's only response was to shoot a "Who do you think you're fooling" look back at Claire.

"Fine, fine, maybe I was almost asleep. But I'm awake now." Claire pointed out. "And what are you going to do, let me cry all over you, cook me dinner, wash our dishes, feed me ice cream while I'm taking a bubble bath and then what, not let me thank you properly?"

"Yup. You've got it sugar tits. That's exactly what I'm going to do."  

"Is it because you think I'm a hot mess now?"

"Hot yes. Mess no." he said as he deliberately checked out her naked body. "Babe, all I want is for you to relax, and for you to let me take care of you for one night. Can you just do that for me?"

"Fine. But you're fucking me in the morning."


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