Chapter 18 - Of all the Gin Joints, He had to Walk into Mine

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After a couple glasses of champagne and truckload of makeup, Claire and Miriam stood in front of the mirror admiring their handiwork. Claire thought she looked smoking hot in her black romper, with its v-neck that practically went down to her belly button and that Miriam looked just as spectacular in her coral a-line mini skirt and cropped aqua tee which she accessorized with a chunky neon necklace.

"Damn we look good!" Miriam said, taking the words from Claire's mouth.

"They won't know what hit 'em!" Claire said, playfully smacking Miriam on the ass.

"Ahh! Save your smooth moves for Brandon." Miriam squealed.

"So there seriously isn't more you can tell me about this guy?"

"What more do you need to know beyond 'Tall Handsome Doctor'?"

"I don't know... There isn't really anything, I guess I'm just nervous. " Claire said realizing that the only reason she was pressing for details was because she was trying to find an excuse to back out of the date and call Gabe instead. Giving Gabe the cold shoulder this week had been surprisingly difficult - But that was exactly why she had to go on this date with Brandon; Claire was getting way too attached to Gabe.

"Lets get going, Brandon and Adam will probably be at Fitzgerald's soon." Claire said refocusing on the night ahead.


"Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." Gabe said to Zubin once he got an eyeful of the patrons at Fitzgerald's. This definitely wasn't the crowd he was used to; the women wore a little more clothing and there were far less visible tattoos and piercing on the men.

"I promised you a change of scenery didn't I?" Zubin said smiling at Gabe in response.

"Girls like Claire love this place - If you're looking for that type of woman, it will be like shooting fish in a barrel."

"And what makes you think they'll go for me?" Gabe asked, feeling insecure knowing corporate chicks didn't usually date construction workers.

"You own a mirror right? They'll be all over you bro. Trust me." Zubin said reassuringly.

"Hah! I knew you thought I was dreamy! Just for that, first round is on me. Lets go grab some beers."


As soon as Claire and Miriam arrived at Fitzgerald's rooftop patio, two gorgeous men waived them over to their table. Claire did a mental little happy dance when she laid eyes on her date.

"Didn't I tell you he was a babe?" Miriam whispered to Claire as they walked over to meet the men. "He's exactly what you need to forget about Gabe."

"Gabe who?" Claire said, only half-jokingly. Her friend was right; if anyone would be able to help keep her mind off of Gabe for the night, it would be Brandon; he was exactly her type. Brandon looked as if he were ripped out of an Abercrombie advertisement with his tall, muscular frame, neatly trimmed brown hair and mega-watt smile.

"Ladies, you look beautiful." Adam, Miriam's date said to them both in greeting - though Claire suspected the compliment was really meant only for her friend considering how transfixed Adam was by her. Adam wasn't "model hot" the way Brandon was, but he was definitely a cutie. His soft curly brown hair, sparkling blue eyes and dimpled cheeks gave his handsomeness an almost boyish quality.

By the time the group made it through their first round of drinks, Claire was genuinely enjoying herself. Brandon's manners were as good as his looks; he was attentive to Claire, periodically making sure she was enjoying herself.

Claire was even more impressed by him when she found out that Brandon was a pediatrician; so many men introduced themselves using their job titles, but Brandon only brought up his work once Claire had asked him about it. It wasn't until partway through Brandon's story about about his recent trip to Africa with Doctors Without Borders, that Claire noticed a familiar face across the room.

It was Gabe.

Fucking hell.

Not knowing what else to do, Claire quickly averted her eyes to her G&T. Seeing that it was almost finished, she gulped it down and used her empty glass to help her get a few minutes alone with Miriam. "Would you boys mind grabbing us another round?" She said rattling the ice in her glass. The two men happily agreed and left for the bar.

"Miriam, don't look, but Gabe is here with that friend of his you made out with at the club." Claire said in a rush the second she and Miriam were alone.

"Are you shitting me?" Miriam asked turning to look in the direction Claire indicated. "Oh no! They saw me looking!"

"I told you not to look!" Claire reprimanded.

"What if they come over here?"

"Why else do you think I'm freaking out?! They'll ruin our date!" If Claire was honest with herself, the prospect of her date being ruined was only part of the reason she was panicking. The truth was that even though she hadn't agreed to be exclusive with Gabe, she couldn't help but feel badly he'd seen her out with another man - She wasn't ready for it to be entirely over with him so soon.

"We've got to get control of this situation before it totally unravels." Claire said as much to Miriam as to herself. "Keep your eyes on Brandon and Adam let me know if you see them coming back to the table."

Miriam nodded in acknowledgement and looked over Claire's shoulder to where their dates had reached the front of the line at the bar.

Taking a deep breath, Claire peeked past Miriam to where Gabe and Zubin were standing. The tiny hope she had that this wouldn't turn out horribly evaporated the moment she locked eyes with Gabe - He was pissed.

Pissed and headed in their direction.

"Shit he's coming over here! What am I going to do?" Claire said to Miriam through her panic.

"Get ready to freak out even more - Brandon and Adam just got the drinks and their on the way back too!" Miriam said, utterly horrified.

Claire couldn't help but feel that things were about to get very messy.

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