Chapter 40 -The Spotted Dick

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Even though Renegade was dimly lit, Gabe could tell Claire was blushing. He was happy he'd overcome his misgivings about going into the sex store alone. He felt like single guys that went in were all there to buy fake pussies to jerk off into. Her reaction had made going there and dealing with the sleazy looking cashier totally worth it.

Gabe leaned over to Claire and whispered in her ear. "I'll be right back" before he headed to the bar to buy their first round of shots.

Gabe couldn't wait to pull Claire's tight nipple between his teeth. Sure, he could give 'em a quick nibble overtop her shirt and still technically follow the rules they'd set out for themselves, but what would be the fun in that? He wanted teeth on skin contact.

Gabe scanned the room while waiting in line, picturing all the possible places he could mouth her tits. By the time the bartender came to take his order, he had a raging hard on. It would have been embarrassing if it weren't for the countertop between them.

Shots in hand, Gabe made his way back to Claire. The way she looked at him when he set them down on the table told Gabe that he hadn't been the only one fantasizing about what was about to come next.

Claire lifted the shot in front of her and took a sniff "What kind of shots are these?"

"Slippery Nipples, of course."

Claire let out a laugh, "Of course."

"Bottoms up." Gabe said. They raised their glasses in union and knocked them back.

With the shots out of the way, the tension between them became palpable. They both knew what was coming next. Gabe wanted to draw it out; toying with Claire was one of his favorite things. He sat back in his chair and locked eyes with her, then slowly bit and released his bottom lip. He wanted her to imagine his teeth on her skin. Claire unconsciously licked her own lips in response.

There was a brief break in the music signaling the next bank was about to take the stage. Gabe knew that this night was destined to be epic when he realized they were playing an R&B slow jam about sex. They lyrics were literally "I want to sex you Baby." He couldn't have asked for anything better.

Ceasing the moment, Gabe grabbed Claire's hand and led them to a dark corner of the dance floor. He pulled her close as they danced and enjoyed the feeling of Claire's hands roaming over his chest. Things heated up quickly and Gabe flipped Claire around so he could grind his throbbing dick into her ass.

Leaning forward he growled into her ear "Feel what you do to me."

Claire didn't say anything in response. Instead she pushed her ass into his cock even harder, rubbing herself against him. In that moment, Gabe wanted to call "Uncle" on the entire night, throw Claire over his shoulder, take her to his bed and fuck her caveman style. But no, he promised her a night of partying, and he knew she wouldn't have asked for a distraction if she hadn't needed it.

Gabe turned Claire back around, so the crowd of dancing bodies was at her back. He knew by the gasp she let out that she had been expecting for him to go for her nipple right away. Instead he teased her; lightly kissing her ear, gently licking the line where her tank met her breasts, softly sucking her neck. He did all this before finally leaning down and discreetly pushing down her tank and bra enough so that he could pull one of her rock hard nipples into his mouth.

This time he wasn't gentle. He swirled his tongue around her areola and then clamped down with his teeth and bit. Hard. Claire yelped in response, her body wasn't ready for him to be so rough with it. But he was so worked up, he didn't care if he bit the damn thing off. Taking mercy on her, Gabe released the pink pebble from his mouth and then with the same tenderness as he'd teased her with, kissed her perfect mouth.

"Are you sure we need to go to another bar?" Claire asked Gabe once they had exited the noisy club. He had her so wet after only the first stop of their night that she didn't know how she'd make it through the rest of it.

Gabe gave her one of his knee buckling, I'm going to screw you 'till the only thing you can remember is my name, looks before simply answering "Yes" then took her hand and led them down the street.

The next bar they stopped at was the Spotted Dick. From the outside it looked like an Irish pub. "Want to try this place?" Gabe asked.

"We might as well. We only have to stay long enough for a shot and a roll if it's awful."

"True enough." Gabe agreed.

Claire regretted their decision as soon as they stepped through the doors. The pub was almost empty, with only two bedraggled patrons sitting at either end of the bar and one small group occupying a table. Even worse, all eyes were on them, as if new customers were both unexpected and unwelcome. If the place weren't so dingy Claire would have suggested executing their roll in the privacy of the bathroom, but the thought of exploring that far into the place made her skin crawl.

Screw the rules of the game, "I changed my mind!" Claire said, unable to hide the desperation from her voice.

"Oh thank God." Gabe said with obvious relief.

Once safely back onto the street, Claire burst into a fit of giggles. "That place was so gross!" She said gasping for air.

"If we did anything there it would have been in those guys' spank bank for years." Gabe said, also overcome with laughter.

"So where next?" Claire asked once they'd both calmed down.

"I know the perfect spot. It's just a block away." Gabe said putting his arm around her waist as he led them further down Bloor St.

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