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"Marinette? Alexia?" I knock with both fists and push my mouth up against the trap door, desperate for one of them to hear me.

"Come on... it's raining out here"

Finally, there's an indication that someone is in-fact inside as I can here them fiddling with the latch on the other side of the door before it slowly creeks open.

"Chat Noir?" I see a pair of fiery green eyes stare up at me, wearing a shocked expression.

"Why are you here?"

"Can we do this inside please? I'm freezing my tail off out here"

Alexia quickly nods before retreating through the door and shuffling back on the bed, making room for me to gracefully slide in, arms first and land on my head.

"Owww" I whine before quickly pulling myself together again.

Alexia doesn't hesitate to spring into action, grabbing a blanket from the end of Marinette's bed and wrapping it around my shoulders, muttering under her breath "You look like death".

"Appreciate it" I reply sarcastically, pulling a face at her.

"At least you have eight more lives" she laughs, "assuming you don't pull dumb shit like this every night".

A cat pun? Where have you been all my life?

"I'm sorry?" she cocks her head at me.

"Fuck. Thinking out-loud, just ignore that I said that"

"Hmm" she narrows her eyes before grinning "okay... so to what do I owe this visit?"

Time to turn on the charm.

"A little birdy told me that a certain someone has a crush on another certain someone, both of whom are in this room" I slowly edge forward, lessening the gap between our faces.

"That's bollocks" she says confidently and pushes my face away from hers in the same way she had pushed me this morning before school.

"Not the reaction I was expecting - but there's no use trying to deny it. My source is reliable" I continue to grill her.

"Who was it? Somebody from school?"

"Maybe, maybe not"

She thinks for a second, biting the inside of her cheek as she concentrates. "It was Adrien, wasn't it? That's why he was acting strange all afternoon"

"He wasn't acting strange-" I say before I can catch myself.

"Aha, you've just confirmed that it was him!" she points her finger at me accusingly before a frown appears on her face.

"I can't believe he told you..."

Oh shit. Oh shit, oh fuck, oh shit.

"He didn't mean to, it just slipped out and he tried to cover for you I swear. Please don't be sad..." I use my paws to try to push her face up into a smile " look beautiful when you smile"

"Hmm, thanks Chat" she slowly pulls my hands back from her face but keeps her hold on them, her fingers wrapped around my wrists.

For a moment we stay like that, sat crossed legs on the bed below the trapdoor. Then I, unfortunately, chose to break the silence...

"Soooo, you like what you see, huh?"

Why? Why would I say anything that would ruin this?

I had just got her to stop feeling upset, just to go and remind her that I know about her big fat crush on me.

I expected her mood to drop again, or for her to at least seem slightly embarrassed but no, she just chuckles "You wish" and climbs down the stairs leading to the rest of the room.

Reasons You Shouldn't Befriend Your Sister's CrushWhere stories live. Discover now