Chapter 10

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Eleanora's POV

"Alright everyone, take a fifteen and we'll use the last fourty five just playing through our pieces the best we can," I tapped my baton and sat at my stool taking a sip of water.

Students wandered going about their business and I took a breather from listening to all the instruments simultaneously. It does get exhausting after processing everything through your head and making corrections when something is out of place.

Gladly it's just with the first violins and they carry the melody line.. I haven't had to get on with the other sections which bothers me just a tad bit.. I couldn't put my finger on it. They sound fine, but something is off-

"Dude, it's so much easier with the piano," one of the students snickered and it came across my ears..

I pretended to mind my business but now I'm really observing what goes on.

"Well duh. It's just tough for first violins because the piano player doesn't have the melody line for the most part. If she did, then it would defeat the purpose of piano accompaniment. Think about it idiot," another student retorted.

I have the slightest clue on what the hell that's suppose to mean. But I'm going to get to the bottom of it.

"Excuse me, can one of my bass strings come over. Same for second violins, third and violas?" I called with my pen in hand.

Out the corner of my eye I see Carter taking note as her eyes just barely peek over the headboard of the baby grand piano. She's so adorable with the way her bangs cover most of her eyes.

"Before I call one of your parents about cutting you from the program and contribute to their heartbreaks, I advise every single last one of you to be honest, got it?" I snapped and took my glasses off.

They all looked at one another before looking at me and nodded.

"Just last week, we sounded like a complete train wreck- I won't sugar coat it, it was garbage to my ears but since it was our first rehearsal, I didn't mind it much. But what I do mind is how mysteriously first violins have made little progress with improvement yet... you few groups have made a tremendously disturbing amount. How is that so?" I leaned back in my seat watching them all squirm around and look at one another.

"We practiced, that's the difference," one student said.

"Yeah, it's not our faults first violins have the easiest part and don't take it seriously," another student added...


"Very well. Go get ready, we're gonna wrap this up in due time," i shooed them off. I'm gonna wrap something up alright.

I continued to think about the weirdness in the drastic improvement on such short notice. It makes no sense. Now if this was Carter I'd actually believe it-


My head pops back up and goes off to my right side eyeing Carter.. she looks lost in her thoughts and somewhat uncomfortable. a pit in my stomach starts to form knowing im the main reason why she's bogged down..

I took note on Miss Michelle walking towards Carter..

"Hey love, is everything alright? You seem- off," she had a friendly tone with my pianist and I just listened.

"My playing wasn't that bad- was it?" I could hear how concerned Carter was and it put a smile one my face..

I couldn't help it.

The way she loves learning music and playing her instrument with such passion..

"No, no, no not at all! It's just- you seem you have a lot on your mind, need someone to talk to? Me and Ms. Arturo will gladly listen," she comforted Carter but Carter didn't bite.

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