Chapter 2

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Carter's POV

"This place is huge," I merely whisper yelled.

A shiver went up my spine when I noticed how cold it was inside the building...

"I should've brought a jacket.." I muttered and took the cold air head on as I went to the concert hall and took a seat at the very center of the entire scenery. I wanted a perfect view with the ability to listen to the raw sound of the echos in whatever presentation is about to take place.

I was really excited- not as much as my mom and dad though, they were literally in tears on the day of my audition and sobbed their hearts out the next month when they found out I made it. I chuckle and shake my head at the memory.

A man introduces himself about the symphony on stage.

If I may be quite frank, I was bored.

Where's the music? The foundation of what they're all about..

Damn near shame.

All this talk about success in the music making and the requirements and what to expect were all basic. I nearly fell asleep and my mom nudged me viscously- yes, I know I deserved it.. very ill mannered of me, but the moment I heard clapping I saw three violinist walk onto the stage and I was once again craving the sound of- I wouldn't know- but something to entice me...

Like her....

A woman with dirty blonde hair in a tight bun. She was dressed in blue silk dress skirt, nude heels with red bottoms, a matching dress coat and a black blouse. Her long legs were really eye catching under the stage lighting, but not as much as her smile when she bowed to the audience before her and her accompaniments started to play.

I merely sat at the edge of my seat as I watched her. The way she furrowed her eyebrows and performed her vibratos on her violin. How blissful the sound came about... I wasn't even concerned about the other two musicians accompanying her- to me, she was the concert master.

I saw some kids out the corner of my eye yawn and go on their phones. I rolled my eyes and went back to watching her.

Only her.

I could listen to her all day.

It was so soothing but I wasn't relaxed at all, I was under some spell. I felt trapped in my own skin. It was a burn that pained my entire body but- I loved it....

To know more about her...

But the moment they stopped playing, my heart sank when she disappeared off stage and the man from earlier comes back up to share another speech.

"Ugh here we go," I slouch back into my seat until I heard clapping after a few more minutes of inaudible speaking.

My mom flicked me upside my head telling me to get up and help her find the ensemble I've been assigned to because that's where part two of this orientation takes place- if I can figure out how to get there...

I see my mom ask a security guard for directions and he guides her. I laugh to myself at how lost my mom and I are, but we eventually found our way.

The room was quite cramped so my mom left me by myself to be a 'young lady' and deal with my business as she waits in the car... probably to binge watch her Netflix series but who could blame her? The room is so cramped, it's nearly impossible to find a seat, but surprisingly I found one right up front. Nerve racking to be that close but I needed to see what I'm getting myself into.

So many kids were either groupies, vsco girls or with their parents and then there's me... alone. Nonchalant about who approaches me and wore an expressionless face but my eyes begged for curiosity as to what's it like to have a conductor.

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