Chapter 28

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Eleanora's POV

For some reason I didn't feel the need to drink this evening. Not saying I have every right to, but today's events were not too much in my favor either.

Quiet knocking caught my ear as I making sure there was nothing out of place in my home, I'm acting like a teenager for fuck sake, everything here is clean.

"Hello Carter," i chirped and the moment I swung the door open, the feeling of butterflies within me, instantly became withered moths.

"What is it now?" I scoffed in disgust.

"Oh nothing, just checking out the place my daughter is going to be sleeping over for tonight- considering you're not the type to have cameras in the bathroom I hope- not of course," George had the ugliest smirk on his face I had ever seen and I damn near gagged.

"I'm not a perv you piece of shit, and how dare would you portray such an idea- where the fuck is-

"My shoe lace got stuck in the car door," her beautiful voice caught my ear and she had an embarrassed pout.

Every ounce of anger inside of me, every drop of irritation left my body just by here mere presence.

I could feel my tension turn into turmoil as her eyes light up the moment they acknowledge my existence-

"Ahem, remember, if you need anything, I'm one phone call away," George turned to Carter to give her a hug- oh for the love of-

"More like a taxi cab away. I drove remember? In my car- the car you insisted I should get on my birthday? Mom should be a phone call away for you pal," she nudged him and he play punched her making her laugh freely.

Oh the piece of admirable shit he is...

"I'll get to it then," he chuckled and walked off out of my visions, finally I can breathe.

"Um....." Carter was about to say something but she quickly became hesitant and lost in her thoughts.

"What is it?" I tried to pull it out of her.

"I didn't like what happened today.. I strongly believe that won't be the last time I'll hear from those students. I just have this feeling I'll be seeing them again... but-

"Carter, let the past of today's events remain in the past. We can end the day with new and better memories to leave behind tomorrow," i cupped her cheek and kissed it tenderly. I could feel how quickly they grew hot in the midst of the cold air we stood in- just by the press of my lips...

She's the purest little being I've ever seen...

"Who quoted that one?" Her eyes glistened in adoration and I was taken aback.

"I'm not following," I blurted.

"I thought you quoted a great musician with a response like that," she blushed sheepishly at her innocent assumption of me.

"Oh- no, just throwing together some words thag bring meaning and comfort," I brushed off how genuine she's being. My skin feels like it'll burst the way she pays attention or how she shows a legitimate interest in me.

"You know Mozart composed the overture to 'Don Giovanni' just hours before performing it in Prague," she tilted her head to the side with a knowing look and I blinked away whatever the fuck it was in my eye.

"C-Carter are you flirting with me?" I was just getting more and more baffled. I'm so used to her being a nervous a wreck-

"If referring to you as a great musician is considered flirting in your book well then... yes, yes I am," she walks past me and sets her belongings to the side in side my home.

I'm still dramatically blinking as I'm taking more and more note of Carter being comfortable around, I'm actually pleased by this.

"Hey E-

I quickly shut the door and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind.

"Shh, I've been wanting to do this all day," i could feel her body slowly ease into mine- it's like every part of her filled the empty parts of me as I embraced her warmth.

"Not to tease, but we did do this a few times down town," she giggled and I kissed her head through her silky blonde curls.

"Yes, but not all day," I softly spoke. I couldn't even bring myself to letting her go.

"A-are we gonna be standing in your hallway for the rest of the night?" Carter wiggled from my grasp and I found her face glowing with sincerity.

"You can wash up and I'll put on some music while cook dinner," I held the bottom of her chin and kissed her nose.

She chinked the cutest smile as she takes her bag and goes up my stairs as I start pulling out ingredients from wherever I can pull them...

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