Chapter 15

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Eleanora's POV

It's eating me up alive, I knew I scared her when I reacted, but I didn't know the look I gave horrified her!

"Carter, I'm sorry," I went out with it and her face finally met mines and she was making direct eye contact for once.

"Why are you apologizing? I- I'm the one who upset you... when I kissed you. I should be apologizing," she looked so guilty.

I didn't lead her on that day either, I found myself caught up in the moment with her and one thing did lead to another. It's just- my thoughts were else where with my stupid ex fiancé and I was brought back to reality when she leaned up..

"I didn't mean to scare you the way you are now.. I mean look at you, you're sitting across from me," I shrugged helplessly.

We were off to a good start but then again I don't even know how to go about this weird attraction we have with one another.

It's obvious we have one and it's rather mutual.. I just haven't acted on it.

"But you did react and you're entitled to that. I shouldn't have done that," she looked back down and played with her class ring.

Jesus- she thinks I didn't-

I couldn't even think the next few seconds over, I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me as she stumbled and fell. Her momentum caused me to lay on my back and she was effortlessly adorable. The way the sun was coming from her window and shining on her and oversized T-shirt bringing out the blonde in her curls that were up in a poofy bun..

We stayed like this for a few moments and I took it all in, all of her- the way she smells beautiful, her complexion and her icy grey cat eyes..

I didn't think for a moment, my fingers laced the back of her neck as I met her half way and found her lips. They fit perfectly with mine and I couldn't help it. A moan slipped as I let myself melt into her but it was only for a few seconds.

Carter pulled away from me trembling and climbed off of me..

"Why would y-

"A lot happened Friday, but you forgot one major detail about your adorable midlife crisis," I laid on my side and intertwined her fingers into mine.

"I kissed you back," I arched a brow and her eyes flashed as they blinked away tears...

this poor girl..

She really thought I didn't like the kiss this whole time or worse yet- thought I was a homophobe.

"Now you really can't be my mentor," Carter groaned and flopped. She curled up into a little ball and turned her back towards me and I reached over to roll her body over to face me again.

She had the cutest pout as she was conflicted.

"It's probably for the best to hold off on that, I will not disagree, but know this... I absolutely adore you," i cupped her chin and she was speechless.

"I don't think this is a good idea.. you can get in trouble- aren't you concerned about my age?" She sat up still trying to make sense of things.

"It's a kiss, not sex. Calm down," I started laughing at how concerned she was about this. It's cute, but come on now.

She makes it sound like she's thirteen and that's ridiculous.

"Besides, your mom was talking about planning your eighteenth birthday and how difficult it is for her to get you something nice when you don't want anything," I laughed.

"It's because I don't want anything unless it's new sheet music. I have what I need right over there," she pointed and I saw her weighted keyboard propped up..

"Needs and wants are two different things you know," I suggested.

"Well, I need you to stay away from me because I don't want you to get into any trouble- how's that?" she groans and I was laughing at her remark.

She's clever for that one.

"Why should I be the one keeping myself at bay?" I was genuinely interested.

"Because, I can't count on myself on doing it. I already kissed you on impulse," she was embarrassed and turned pink.

"Fair point.. but when would you feel comfortable about me mentoring you?" I changed the subject-

well, somewhat.

"Are you sure that's what you're only interested in? Mentoring me after kissing me just seconds ago?" She was baffled.

"I'm sure you'd want to pursue music as a career. I can't let your talent not go into proper use... plus, I'm not in a rush about the other part. Something tells me I'll have another chance," I smiled brightly as her eyes glistened lingering into every word I spoke.

"Why do you need another chance when the one you have is still in tact?" Carter tilted her head.

It was silent for a moment until her eyes flashed and she realized what she said.

I couldn't help but giggle.

She's truly too clever for her own good.

"So much for a nervous wreck, you're a natural at flirting," I teased and she flustered into a bright shade of pink.

"M-Maybe after the first concert... I want to see what I can do on my own first," Carter worded her response carefully as she changes the topic.

Even though she didn't make eye contact with me, I knew she was carefully considering.

part of me hated the waiting process of trying to be close with her again, but majority of me was even more intrigued with what exactly Carter can accomplish on her own. She learned and memorized the pieces for opening night in one week. I'm not sure what more can she do until then.

I'm pretty sure she doesn't know how to follow along with the Conductor when it comes to counting with the baton, but she listens to the other instruments and if anything- that's more preferred so the ensemble sounds in unison...

"Well, it's settled. We will further discuss this after your first concert," I simply got up to head out of her room.

I paused momentarily with my hand lingering on the door way and turned back to look at Carter locking her eyes into mine and she was in wanderlust..

"Take it easy, Carter. I'll see you Sunday," I took my last look at her headed out to thank Melissa for lunch.

"Okay..." she softly mumbled.

She's so adorable.

The Music In My HeartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon