Chapter 13

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Carter's POV

"I think that went well," I yawned on the car ride home..

Ms. Arturo was really gonna cut them on my behalf..

I thought she was just heated in the moment but there she was..

"Sometimes I hate to accept the fact that you're growing up but after today.. I'm glad you've grown up the way you have," my mom reaches over to rub her thumb against my cheek.

"I'm not all grown up just yet.. my amazing parents still have some more tricks to show me," I softly giggled and my mom joined as well.

"Mom?.." the car fell silent.

"I've never seen Ms. Arturo so upset- I thought I did, but not like that..." I mumbled off.

My thoughts drifted back to Friday and how I thought the reaction Ms. Arturo was considered to be an upset one, but I'm not so sure anymore.

Today really showed how upset and pissed she was.

I'm still scared to talk to her about what happened Friday and I know I can't avoid it forever..

"Carter, don't let that scare you. It's no diffeeent than me and your father being upset whenever something bad happens to you and we go ballistic," she chuckled.

That's true...

"You're not scared of your conductor now, are you?" I could sense she was teasing me.

"Just a tad bit.. kind of makes me want to practice even extra but-

"Carter you literally just memorized the music last week and she only gave it out the week before. Calm down," she was laughing and I found myself laughing at how much of an idiot I sound.

"Well, I just want to avoid pissing her off at all costs- she really burned the guy for coming for me," I'm still in shock.

"And I would've put him in a head lock and show the entire room a new shade of purple if she hadn't say anything," my mom firmly stated.

No doubt she would do that..

"Okay, go rest now. I'm gonna call Eleanora again tonight see if there was anything else we need to be informed about and how to move forward. I honestly hope she's open to lunch so I can thank her for keeping such a careful eye on you," my mom leans over to kiss my head after parking the car in the driveway.

"That sounds like fun for you guys. I could rest tomorrow," I considered the idea.

"And Carter?" My mom stopped me from getting out of the car.

"I'm proud of you for not quitting piano after that rough patch last year," she looked me carefully in the eyes and I couldn't help but let a small chuckle slip from my lips.

"I couldn't imagine a life without it..." I smiled

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