Chapter 44

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Eleanora's pov

Consider it a blessing or a curse but ever since this iPhone update, Carter's phone has constantly been on do not disturb..

Something must've upset her with her last session with Dr. Simmons and she just needs her space..

But the look in her eye when she mentioned her private piano teacher the other day, her chills gave me chills.

However, I don't want her to feel alone. I know everyone is on board about giving her support but... which support is the correct one?

Eleanora: i know things probably took a turn after my choice... and probably shot straight down hill after your recent session with your therapist. I'm really sorry but I don't know what to believe what is best for you- hence why my hesitation with involvement. But I do know that I want to help in any way I can... I think it's best if I remain neutral about your ambitions with music and stay at the sidelines. It's clearly tearing you apart not knowing who to go to but... you can come to me, I will be the shoulder you can lean on.

With love,
Yours truly.

I typed that text as if it was an email... just acknowledging that alone makes me feel old.

I hit send and flopped back on my bed with a weighted sigh knowing she won't be in the mood to read all of that let alone respond with all that's on her mind.

I decided to dial Melissa's number to check in on her- mainly to see if she has any news on Carter's behavior.. and to ask questions about Carter's piano teacher.

"Hey, how are you?" I opened the conversation the moment I heard Melissa's voice.

"She's not taking my phone calls, text messages not even emails," she sighed.

"I'm sure Carter will come around. Whatever happened, she just needs space of her own to cope," i reasoned and found myself smiling at the thought of Carter's smile in my head.

"And then there's Carter not even wanting to breathe the same air as me," she groaned.

"Come again?" I rolled to my side.

"Lillian won't respond to me until after she's had another session with Carter- god I really messed this up so badly," she sighed into the phone.

She sounds like she's had it rough the past few days, her responses are literally everywhere.

"I'm sorry I told you not to encourage Carter about music," her voice cracked.

"No need, I understood your place when you told me. Now what's going on with you Carter, did the therapist do something?" I brushed off my involvement.

I really don't deserve a say in Carter's life. In my opinion I should just be supportive of what she chooses fo cope for the sake of her mental health. However, I don't wish to be in a position where there are sides about her well being. I just want her to be happy while she recovers- however she manages..

"We've been getting together to talk about about all the things that has been taking place and-

"Well, Melissa it's only beneficial to do so considering she's your child," I softly giggled at how good of a mom Melissa really is. a ridiculous sense... so is George, I'm not sure when was the last time they spoke but they are doing one hell of a job fighting on supporting their kid.

"That's the thing El... it's been me and the therapist," she mumbled.

"Of course you'd be nosy about what goes on in Carter sessions," I took it lightly.

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