Locked up (2)

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Hotch was in the middle of his second round of interviews with the prison guards on duty when the alarm went off and the warden announced that he would have to evacuate the building, assuring him that it was nothing to be 'too concerned about.'

He was halfway to the main exit when B wing was overrun.

By the time the full breach alarm went off, he was barricaded in the wardens office on the upper levels of the building where it was safer, trying to use the guard's radio to reach his team.

"Morgan!? Reid?! Can anyone hear me?! Is any guard near the FBI agents?!" He yelled down the radio.

"H-Hotch?" A small voice whispered back after a few moments of no response from the other channels.

"Reid!? Spencer are you okay? Where are you?" Hotch could hear the sniffles and yelling down the radio.

"I-I'm locked in an infirmary office- Hotch, they killed a guard and the nurse- they just... they killed them. They just all got up when the alarm went off, all at once like none of them were injured or ill- I don't know what to do-" Reid rambled nervously.

"Spencer, listen to me carefully; I need you to stay hidden and keep quiet" Hotch spoke quickly, "what happened to that guard and nurse wasn't your fault, but I need you to know that to have a clear head- understood?"

"But I-"

"I said understood?" He snapped, creating a silence before Reid responded.

"Y-yes, I understand sir."

"Okay, now you're on the other side of the prison to me but Derek should be near you-" Hotch looked at the map in the wardens office and made a quick plan, "-A wing hasn't been breached yet so they should be okay, I doubt they even know what's happening, I will try to contact them and get the rest of the team here to help. But I need you to focus on keeping yourself safe, alright?"


"Lock the doors, barricade them and hide under a desk out of sight of the inmates- keep quiet and safe until we come and get you."

"B-but the guard wasn't dead, I should go drag him in and see if I can help him-"

"Don't do that!" Hotch commanded, "stay right where you are-"


"You can't help him if you're dead Reid, they will kill you if you are the only thing in their way of escaping, they'll kill you just for fun if they feel like it-" Hotch turned to the map and looked at the schedule, shaking his head with a realisation as he spoke to himself, "-they planned this in advance, which means they must have had some kind of internal help to be able to pull this off."

"What do you mean internal help?" The warden asked.

"I need a list of all of your guards on duty right now."

"Kooper?! Officer Kooper?! Are you okay over there?" Darling called out, trying to peer through the gaps of the thin bars of the inner layers of the other two bar check points separating them and the cellblock where the prisoners were running rampid.

Morgan found himself stood on one of the lunch benches, just about being able to see over the rioting crowd, spotting Kooper in admits them all- but not how he expected.

He was being... cheered for, celebrated, letting them into the guard quarters- Hotch would soon learn that he was the 'internal' help.

"Get back from there!" Morgan jumped off the bench and yanked Darling from the bars as the prisoners pushed buttons and the 1st layer of bar doors of the three layers between the cafeteria opened, pulling her back and slamming shut the finale layer of bars that weren't connected to the locking system.

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