Logical goodbyes

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The filled space next to her in the bed was warm, his body close to hers, legs tangled together, faces on the same pillow as his hand brushed down her bare back.

Darling felt a surge of fear when the body moved away from her before it came back closer and his arms wrapped around her waist, his voice low and groggy but purposeful as it spoke;

"I'm here, I'm not going anywhere this time- I'll always be here Darl, always."

"D-Darling, Darling please wake up!" Reid begged as her body convulsed on the floor in some sort of drug induced trance.

"D-Derek?" She slowly woke up from the escape of the beautiful dream that when she was sober she would be embarrassed of having, but in the moment it was everything she needed.

It had been just over two weeks of Darling being drugged every few days and then brought to various 'tests' that Clause thought she'd fail.

But he didn't quite expect someone like her to have such a high IQ or a fast working brain that could push past the drugs- even most of the lethal ones- to get the task done before she crashed.

Her only motivation was Reid; making sure he wasn't hurt, making sure no needle ever went near him, protecting him from the drugs like she couldn't her brother, a deep drive to keep him safe.

"It's Spencer. Please Darling, please stop this, just tell them you can't take it anymore- they said they would start doing it to me and give you a break" Reid begged as she pushed herself to her feet from the cold floor.

They had taken off her restraints, assuming that she was far too weak from the drugs now to fight them when they came down but the only reason she didn't try to was because she didn't know if she was sound of mind enough to do that and make sure Reid didn't get hurt in the process- that and the fact she was certain she couldn't take anyone in a fight at the moment.

To say she was 'coping' was an overstatement; she seemed like she was coping.

She did the tasks for Claus's tapes, was able to stand and still technically breathing.

But everything hurt, everything ached, everything felt like walking through quick sand with her mind foggier than ever before.

It was almost funny, Darling had wanted her brain to shut off for as long as she could remember but now that it was, she was terrified.

She had to fight and think hard to get it to work to finish the 'tests' as opposed to before when she would be able to do it in her sleep with her brain running wild without any drugs.

But now there was a copious amount running through her, for once she was terrified of not having her brain at its full capacity.

"I'm fine Reid" she lied with a smile, walking over to the water cup that Reid had to beg for and taking a sip- her lips cracked and split at one point from the nasty slap Clause had given her when she refused to take heroine, her brother's drug of choice.

She eventually gave in and let Clause drug her when he threatened to drug Reid with holding the needle to his vein, but she couldn't help the tears.

"I-I'm sorry Addie" she had whispered as the needle went into her skin, involuntarily breaking her promise that she had made to her niece that she would never do the drug that took her father away for so long.

"You're not fine Darling; you're shaking, you haven't been able to eat in days, they won't let you see a doctor" Reid panicked as he rushed over to her, also being untied since the basement was soundproof and the metal door made it so there was no way they could escape.

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