A monster, a man, a promise

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It was just after midnight as Darling pushed herself to her feet after redressing her wound in the walls of the prison on her way back up from the basement control room where an encounter with two inmates on her way out after rewiring the last generator to the phone outside didn't exactly go as planned.

The knife was still in her hip, blood oozing out of her side as she wrapped her torn beige t-shirt made into bandage strips around it, leaving her just in her white- and now blood splattered- long-sleeved under shirt tucked into her prison trousers that had a fare few snags and rips on them from crawling through the walls.

"It's okay Darling, it's literally fine- this is fine, it's just a knife in your body, no biggie, no biggie at all" Darling tried, and failed, to keep herself calm as she found herself back in the middle of the prison- knowing she had only 10 minutes to get to the yard and make the call before the power from the finale generator went out.

To her surprise, she couldn't see anyone in the cells- well, she couldn't see anyone alive.

There were dead, or near enough to dead, bodies all around the inner courtyard, but not the hustle Darling saw Luke fall off the higher level into earlier.

She stepped over the bodies with a wince of every movement, trying to not let the knife fall out, knowing it was the only think stopping her bleeding out and knowing even more she didn't have time to die with how much she had to do.

"Get to the phone, get to the team, get to Derek" she repeated to herself in a whisper over and over again as she reached the yard doors that had 5 minutes of power left, swiping the card and creeping out just as a noise came from behind her further in the prison in one of the cells.

She didn't have time to give into her curiosity and turn back to see who it was or what was happening, nor did she want to find herself in another prison fight or 'meeting' with the guards.

Instead, her feet automatically ran to the phone box, pushing in the coins with shaking hands and praying that Morgan had kept his promise to always answer the phone.

She knew logically she should call Hotch or Erin Strauss, but it wasn't just the fact Morgan's number was the only she knew off-by-heart making her call him instead.

Something in her chest, something deep behind her ribcage forced her to automatically dial his numbers.

Something bitter-sweet telling her that if they ended up not getting here in time, that this might be the last call she ever got to make, that this was the last time she would ever get to talk to him.

That thought hit her like a truck, as did the voicemail machine instead of Morgan's voice.

"Come on you stupid handsome son of a bitch! Pick up the phone!" She hit her hand on the box, putting in more coins and trying again, not even realising the tears were trailing down her face as her rage continued.

"You said you would always pick up! You promised me, you god damn liar-" she hit it again, over and over again with shaking, bloodied hands as the tears continued to flow- being cut off by a voice she thought that she had imagined until it spoke again.

"Hello?" Morgan's sleepy voice echoed through every part of Darling's body, an automatic cry of relief leaving her throat.


"Darling? Is that you? How are you calling me at 3 in the morning-"

"Please shut your gorgeous mouth right now and listen to me" she let out a much needed breath, finding that all the pressure that had been residing in her chest somehow vanished with just his voice, "I have so much to tell you and no time to do it; you all need to get here right now, there's been a prison riot started by Candy's dead body being used to start a gang war and ended up including the guards somehow, someone is trying to get people to kill me in here and I think it's the same person who killed Candy and is somehow responsible for the strip club killings, I don't know who but it's someone close to the guards somehow who could get them to kill Candy without anyone knowing and and-" A thought hit Darling mid ramble, a thought about something Rhoney said earlier before she tried to kill Darling.

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