Outbreak of a new life (2)

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Darling was dreaming about him again.

She knew she shouldn't, but she couldn't help it, she couldn't bring herself to force herself awake.

She could feel his hands around her back, his gentle but certain grip of pleasure holding their bodies together.

His breath hot on her neck, his skin warm with hers as they moved in perfect almost synchronised harmony.

His whispers in her ears, groans of pleasure and praise as she worked down his body, the rewards he gave back in return that made her toes curl just thinking about it.

She knew she shouldn't be thinking about it let alone dreaming about it, she was led in bed next to another man; his hand spewed across her back, his breath on her neck.

But she couldn't help imagining, no, she couldn't help wanting it to be someone else's.

Someone who felt like a lifetime away now- even as she opened the front door of her freshly painted yellow house with newly planted flowers down the driveway and saw that someone stood right in front of her.


"Darling?" Morgan stared in utter shock at the woman stood before him.

This couldn't be real, this must be some kind of sick joke of a fever dream on him- maybe the drug had already been let out after all and Morgan had somehow taken it all, that made more sense to him in this moment that what he was seeing in front of him.

Darling was stood there, right there an arms length away from him just staring in a shared shock of disbelief back at him, barely even registering the others around him who were talking.

"Darling? What are you doing here?" Hotch couldn't help the relief of seeing her again in his voice.

She didn't respond, her gaze never once left Morgan's, her focus never left his eyes stuck onto hers- until they moved to the person who walked up behind her and placed a hand on the small of her back.

"Who's at the door sweetie?" The deep but incredibly jolly sounding voice caught everyone's attention, all heads looking up at the 6'5 broad shouldered man with dark ginger hair and a full beard, freckles speckling his smiling sun kissed face and dark green eyes.

He looked older than Darling by a good 10 years but still had the kind of warmth to his face that made him look young, a kind of golden-retriever mid-western smile that Morgan didn't trust- or maybe it was just the fact that his arm was wrapped around Darling's waist that made him not want to trust him.

"Holy hell he's hot" Emily whispered to Rossi who couldn't help nodding in agreement.

"'Sweetie?'" Morgan tilted his head with confusion, eyes scanning this man and trying to make any sense of the situation.

His eyes eventually landed on Darling's again, hers never once leaving his with a myriad of emotions flooding her face before a gentle squeeze on her side reminded her of where she was, what she had to do, how she had to act.

She cleared her throat and forced a full smile, looking up at the man next to her when she couldn't get any words out with almost 'help me out here please' eyes that he nodded at before turning back to the team.

"You'll have to excuse my wife, the heat's making us a little stir crazy in here- like a house full of silly geese" his chuckle was warm, his full smile behind his beard and moustache lighting up his face as his hand moved from her waist to wrap around her shoulder, "what can we do for you folks on this fine day?"

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