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//This is a long chapter sorry I could have probs split it up but it had a nice flow to it tee hee- the above is Darling's outfit again//

//also TW for mention of parental abuse and violence// 

It was 2 in the morning when Morgan finally heard from Darling after weeks of nothing..

It was 4am when she eventually let him into her apartment.

It was 4:32 when the ambulance finally arrived after his endless calls...

"I don't know" Darling sighed, giving the same answer to his questions that she had given for the last however long they had been sat in the hospital.

"You're trying to tell me that you have no idea how you got a black eye, dislocated shoulder and concussion? How stupid do you think I am Darling?" Morgan couldn't help his frustration.

She glanced up at Hotch who was stood in front of them, giving her a small nod for her to tell Morgan the truth but she shook her head slightly before looking at Morgan with a shrug.

"Yeah, I don't know."

"For Christ sakes Darling- you go missing for almost two weeks, worry us sick, turn up eventually covered in cuts and bruises with a god damn dislocated shoulder that you were trying to set back on your own in your apartment, and all because of your brother, who you won't even acknowledge is dead-"

"Do not mention him" Darling spat suddenly, tears almost instantly coming to her eyes, "don't you dare bring him into this Derek."

Morgan paused for a moment, wanting to yell or argue to let out his frustrations but seeing that look, that truly broken look, in her eyes and taking her hand gently as he crouched down in front of her.

"I'm sorry, sorry I shouldn't have said that" he apologised sincerely which made her pause with surprise- not that he would apologise or truly mean it, but at how sincere he was, how he didn't get angry, how much he cared for her enough to push past his valid frustrations and be there for her.

"I'm sorry" she whispered, looking down at her hands in his that she desperately wanted to keep ahold of.

"For what?" He asked but she didn't respond, instead looking over at Hotch.

"Can I go?"

"Dawson, you've barely been here an hour" Hotch pointed out, "the doctors want to talk to you and check out your injuries again."

"I need to get back to Chicago to see Addie, she's been with Duncan for a while and I'm sure he's driving her up the wall-" she stood up and went to grab her coat, wincing at the pain it brought her newly put-back-in-place shoulder.

"Here" Morgan stood up and took the oversized green coat from her, holding it open for her to put her arms in, smiling down at her as she did before standing in front of her, "but Hotch is right, you shouldn't leave yet."

"There's not more the doctors can do, I'm just taking up hospital room space" she shrugged and stepped to go around him but he stood in front of her again.

"Stop doing that annoying thing you do" she rolled her eyes and stepped to the other side, him following suit.

"What annoying thing?"

"Blocking me with your mountain self, side stepping like that like you're a line dancer at a rodeo" she tried to brush past him but he placed his arm in front of the door, their bodies close together as he looked down at her.

"I think you should stay, instead of rushing off or running away- I think you should stay this time Darling" he spoke in a serious tone that hid something else, a begging of sorts.

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