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//TW for this chapter for mentions of partner abuse and sexual assault//

It was half 1 in the morning when the car flew off the bridge with Darling inside.

It was 2 in the morning when Morgan got a knock on his mom's house door where he was staying for the weekend after his first official month at the FBI academy out of state.

And it was 2:07am when he opened the front door and looked confused at a dishevelled Jacob stood in front of him.

"I didn't know where to go bro, something bad happened" Jacob slurred through his words, clearly drunk or high off his head.

Morgan wanted to slam the door in his face, to roll his eyes for him calling him 'bro' like they were friends in any kind of shape or form but then he saw Darling's bloodied jacket in Jacob's hands and everything blurred.

"Where is she?" Morgan pushed past him, looking around into the dark, "Darling?!"

"She's not here, she-" Jacob tried to speak but Morgan grabbed him by the collar and slammed him against the door in a flurry.

"What the hell did you do to her?! I swear to god if you-"

"Get off of me you fucker" Jacob pushed Morgan off of him- nowhere near as strong as Morgan, slightly shorter than him with a swimmers type of strong build and a foul mouth but not much of a bite to his bark against Morgan who reluctantly let him go, far too worried about Darling to focus on giving him a piece of his mind.

"Where is she? What happened?" Morgan grabbed his keys and coat, putting on his shoes and following Jacob down the drive as his mom came down the stairs.

"Derek? What's going on?" Fran called out with a yawn.

"Nothing ma, go back to bed- I'll be back soon" Derek called up the stairs to her, shutting the door behind him.

"We got into a car accident, she smashed into a tree- she's the one who told me to come get you" Jacob walked next to Morgan to lead the way, clearly not wanting to get Morgan- the dislike between them very much mutual.

"What?! Why didn't you call the police or an ambulance you god damn idiot-"

"She was drunk, do you want her to go to prison for drink driving whilst being underage?" Jacob interrupted and Morgan paused in his stride, turning to him with a sudden darkness to his eyes.

"You got her drunk? She's 19 god damn years old!"

"She's an adult, she can do what she wants- I just handed her the bottles" Jacob defended and Morgan thought he was about to lose it all and finally throw hands at Jacob but he had to think of Darling, it was all he could think about.

"Where is she?"

"Down there, she's just being dramatic, it's not that bad-" Jacob lazily gestured off the bridge where they had swerved off down into an empty river cannel, the car smashing into a tree on the woods line with the entire front part now smashed in and smoking.

"Oh my god- Darling!" Morgan ran down the hill in an urgent panic when he saw her attempting to crawl out of the car, blood streaming from her head.

"I-I'm fine, I promise I'm fine" he heard her mummering to herself as he ran closer, carefully helping her out of the car.

She had a massive gash on her forehead from hitting the dashboard, her seatbelt had sliced the side of her neck and her knee looked smashed in- not to mention the speckles of glass in her arms and legs from the crash.

"P-please, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to distract you-" Darling continued to mumble to someone else instead of Morgan, clearly concussed from her head injury which Morgan noticed now couldn't have come from the driver's seat since the airbag was deployed there- that's when he noticed the blood on the passengers dashboard and realised that Jacob was lying, Darling wasn't driving at all; he was.

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