Timing is everything

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Unlike the last time she found herself trapped in a prison riot, this time, Darling was alone.

No team, not Hotch on the end of a radio, no Morgan by her side, holding her hand and telling her it was okay with every step.

Just Darling.


Covered in blood.

Terrified out of her mind.

Unable to move from her cell- until she wasn't there anymore.

She didn't even realise she had moved until she was halfway down the corridor running after the silhouette of Bone who had crushed the heads of two guards together already by the time Darling made it out of her cell.

"W-what the hell is happening?!" Darling yelled at Bone as she ran after her.

"They found another body-" Bone yelled back, ducking a punch that came from an inmate jumping out of their cell but being caught off balance by her stomach to turn with the speed she needed to continue defending herself- but someone caught the inmates hand and twisted them into the wall before they could attack.

Darling's body went into auto pilot as she twisted the inmate until their wrist clicked and kicked them back into their cell, grabbing Bone's hand and continuing running down the hallway despite not knowing where she was going.

"What do you mean they found a body?" Darling asked, her whole body shaking but automatically checking every corner with the same level of speed and thoroughness that agents had on rescue missions she had never been on with the team before.

Bone studied her for a moment with scepticism before continuing, yanking her back, turning down the next corridor and leading the way again, "the woman you threw a tray at big girl Rhoney over in the lunch haul, blonde haired, bitchy attitude-"

"Candy?!" Darling stopped in her tracks with shock, "Candy is... she's dead?!"

"Keep moving unless you want to end up like her and half of my girls" Bone yanked her forward into their attempted sprint again with all the chaos going on around them.

"W-what happened? What is all of this-" Darling tried to ask, pausing when she noticed blood dripping down the back of Bone's trousers- different to the blood splattered over her.

"Bone-" Darling tried to stop her but she dragged Darling along the corridor, shank in her other hand that she used to ruthlessly stab whoever got in their way.

"They found that girl's body under the bleachers in the yard and the elder group turned on Rhoney's group, assuming it was them- they agreed on an after-hours fight, paying off the guards like we all do-" Bone continued to explain.

"Bone-" Darling tried to get her to stop urgently.

"-but something must have happened, because by the time I woke up three of my girls were dead, Greta was dragging my ass outta our cell and at least 10 guards are dead and the inmates have over run the place searching for-"

"Bone!" Darling yelled, yanking her hand out of Bone's and getting her to turn to her urgently, "are you... are you in labour?!"

Bone paused, looking down at her trousers before back to Darling with an unfazed expression, "yes, have been all night."


"Now let's go, half the prison are out here trying to hunt your ass" Bone grabbed her hand and yanked her forward again just as a figure appeared at the end of the hallway- halting Bone in her stride, "shit."

Darling deception- a criminal minds fanficWhere stories live. Discover now