Chapter 1: Neglect and Doubt

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It was about 10 pm down in hell. Prince Stolas can be seen  in his room on his desk with stacks upon stacks of important paperwork. He has huge black circle under his eyes and its very much visible that he hasn't slept in days. As it seems he was about to pass out and fall asleep his bed room door slammed open. His eyes shot open and turned quickly around to see the last thing he needed right now.

He is met by another tall snowy white owl still fully dressed. It was Stella his "wife" altho he hates to admit so given he didnt love her nor like her at all. Her eyes where fuming and it seed like she was about to explode. "HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE STOLAS!". "What ever is the matter darling?" Says the poor blue owl. "IT IS THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT AND YOU STILL HAVN'T FINISHED ALL OF YOUR PAPER WORK!" His wife spits out. "I-i know but im working as hard as i possibly can sweetheart! I've had so much to do and with all the paper work you keep giving me-" "DONT TRY PUTTING THE BLAME ON ME YOU WORTHLESS EXCUSE OF A PRINCE!!". Every insult his wife throws at Stolas is like a punch in the guts each time tho he tries his best to hide the effect they do on him. "No no of course not!" He protested. "Im simply saying that there has been so much to do and i havnt had any sleep so ive not managed to get as much work done as u wish to" "plus it isnt so easy to get all the work done if you're not going to try and lift a finger to help" he said under his breath. "WHAT WAS THAT!??" Barked his wife. "Nothing dear forget about it!". "LISTEN I COULDNT CARE LESS HOW TIERED YOU ARE! YOU ARENT CLOSING AN EYE UNTIL U FINISH THIS PAPER WORK!" She slams her hand onto the table "AM I UNDERSTOOD!" "Yes.." said Stolas defeated. "GOOD! NOW GET BACK TO WORK! Im off to bed!" She leaves the room slamming the door behind her. "Why me.. does anyone love me anymore.." says the poor owl as a tear drops out of one of his tiered eyes. He felt so tiered and lonely. He might be rich but he couldnt care less if he head to lose all the riches he had of it meant that one person would actually love him and show him some support and affection.

He goes back to work before getting a phone call shortly after. He looks at who is calling him and its like something lit up in him. "Why hello my little blitzy!!" "Hey Stolas" a grumpy voice can be heard from the other line. "Im so glad u called! I have been feeling a bit lonely and i really do need someone to talk to-" "yea yes that's nice. Listen i need to talk to u about the book" "oh.." "Thats all he wanted.. should have figured.." he thought as his heart sank. "W-well what about it blitzy?" "Well ya see i dont really have any orders or shit for tomorrow so me and the idiots decided to have a day off tomorrow. So imma be heading over to yours tomorrow to give ya the book so you can do your shit""awww blitzy, you're going come over to see me?" A slight of hope sparkled in him. "EW NO ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT! IM COMING OVER TO GIVE YOU THE SHITTY BOOK FOR A DAY! IM GONNA TAKE IT BACK THAT NIGHT! NOT TO FUCK YOU YOU STUPID HORNEY JACK ASS!" "oh, just for the book? Y-yes sure i will let the guards know, so u can just head straight in..before you go blitzy? Can i talk to you ab-" "Shit sorted? GOOD K BYE!" And just like that he hang up. "...heh..guess he really doesnt care too.." his heart feels like its been stabbed a dozen times as his head drops back and looks down at the papers as some more tears start to prick his eyes and fall down. "Got my hopes ip to easily.. i am just a shitty excuse of a prince after all.. cant even stay awake to do my work..idiot.." he goes back to work whilst more tears fall while wearing a straight face.


I quickly hung up on him before he goes on a rant about his shitty fantasies. That horny shit. I wonder if i hurt his feelings by what i said tho.. i didnt upset him too much right? ...right? Wtf is wrong with me!?? Im not worried about him! Hes just a horny ass bird! Erg.. whatever im just gonna head home.


And that's the end of chapter 1! Let me know what u guys think of this story? Feel free comment any of your thoughts! Stay safe!! 💖💖💖

I just want some love.. (Stolitz) (Stolas Angst)Where stories live. Discover now