Chapter 11: The Finale Plan

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We finally made it over to Ozzie's club, which wasn't as lively or packet as usual since it was still light out. Thankfully the guard was on break so we could sneak in with out much problem. Once we did we looked around for the back stage where Ozzie and Fizz would be. "I have a scent! Its this way!" Loona called out as we all follow her. Soon enough we reached the backstage and we could see Ozzie and Fizz hanging out and they did seem.. rather close if you ask me.. anyways there's no time for this.

I cleared my throat to get their attention. Both their heads snapped towards the entrance where me and the gang all stood "what the fuck we-!?" "Alright Fizz we don't have time for this right now!" I sigh then swallow all my pride to be able to say the next question "look we really need your help.. or rather me.. it's about Stolas" Ozzie's eyes perked up a bit at the mention of his name "Stolas? What about him?" "He.. he's gone! Someone kidnapped and- I-I don't know where he is! I know that you and him where pretty close back when you were kids.. I was hoping maybe you could help us find him..?"

Once I finished I saw both of them staring at me but their face's soon softened as he saw the pleading expression on my face. Ozzie looked over to Fizz and Fizz gave him a nod probably signaling that it's ok to help us. "Alright I might have an idea, but I have a quick question to ask first. Has Stolas stopped being in a relationship with you before he disappeared?" "Wai- we weren't in a-" "cut the crap Blitzø, we might not be on the best of terms but even I know you well enough that you two probably tied the knot, right?" Fizz intervened "well.. not exactly.. THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT! Anyways to answer the question.. kind of yea.. it was in a sudden outburst so I don't know if it was completely officially off tho.."

Ozzie sighs and gives me a look "well just the smallest hint of a break up is good enough for him to take Stolas back.." "who??" "Valentino" I froze a bit at the mention of that. "Wait.. you mean Valentino the over lord?" I asked confused "Mhm" "wha- but what would he want to kidnap Stolas for??" My brain was spiring into a whirlpool of questions but few answers to answer them. "Well.. some time ago Valentino found out about a certain secret about Stolas and his family. Valentino used this to his advantage and made a deal with him that if Stolas goes into a relationship with him than he won't tell anyone. The catch was that if Stolas did get in a relationship the deal would be off till Stolas was single again. Only issue is that Valentino, to no one's surprise, is extremely abusive and a terrible partner. That's why I think Valentino kidnapped Stolas, to make sure that he won't be able to get into any more relationships"

My brain hurt trying to understand all of the information. "Are.. you sure that that is what happened?" "Positive, knowing Val that is exactly what he would do, to make sure he doesn't loose any of his pets again" "oh gosh.. than we have to hurry and go save him! Alright any ideas where Val might have hidden him in?" Ozzie stopped and thought for a bit before soothing seemed to click in his head "i might have an idea, but we need to make a plan before we go"

After ages of planning the sun was now starting to set. "Alright I'm gonna close the club and we can get this plan into action" Ozzie says as the rest of us nod and ran out of the club to the van. Ozzie came in soon after and I sped off to the location Ozzie had told me about. As I drove my thoughts where quickly erupted with a bunch of scenarios of what Stolas might be going through right now. Every idea worse than the next. Little did I know.. that the whole situation was way worse than I thought..


After Val finally stopped whopping and beating me for "not cleaning properly" I stayed there on my broken mattress and cried silently as I rubbed my belly where the bump was. "My sweet baby.. I love you so much.. I promise I will protect you.. and hopefully your daddy will be here soon to save us from this nightmare.. till then, mummy will be here to take care of you and keep you as far away from that beast as possible" I carefully whispered with my voice raspy from screaming as tears slowly rolled down my face.

I softly hummed my lullaby as I closed my eyes. I started thinking about Blitzø. A sweet memory came to mind as I kept humming the tune.



Stolas slowly started dozing off while him and Blitzø where cuddled up on the couch watching a movie. Blitzø looked over at the owl next to him, assuming he was asleep he cautiously moved his claw up to the back of the owl head and letting it sink into the owl's soft feathers. Blitzø slowly started moving his claw around in the head of feathers softly. He soon heard soft hoots coming from the owl as he opened up one eye looking over at the attentive imp who was so busy at petting the lovely blue feathers that he hadn't even realized that the owl was in fact awake and aware of what he was growing the whole time.

After a few minutes the imp's eyes lowered slightly and they made eye contact with the Owl's glowing eyes. A smirk soon grew on Stolas' face as Blitzø quickly retracted his claw and bringing it up to his face to cover the growing redness. "I- I didn't realize you were still awake.." Blitzø mumbled "and I'm so glad I was! Or else I wouldn't have found out that my precious little imp could be so gentle and caring" the Owl replied with a chuckle as Blizø's face heated up even more at the compliments.

"S-shut up! I-I didn't- I wasn't- you-" "shhh don't fret darling" Stolas softly shushed the frantic imp "I think it is quiet adorable and it feels very nice too" the owl stated with a soft hoot. A small smile crept into the imp's face

"s-so.. can I c-continue..?" Blitzø slowly asked his face blazing hot with embarrassment. "Of course!" Stolas chirped as he leaned in a bit closer onto Blitzø. Blitzø however readjusted Stolas so that he was laying down on the couch and his head was in his lap. Blitzø continued to caress Stolas' soft head feathers till Stolas drifted off to a soft slumber, Blitzø following soon after once the movie ended.

End of flashback.

Stolas softly sighed as he finished humming. Next thing he knew he heard the basement door bash open and rapid footsteps coming down the stairs.


"Don't you worry Stolas.. we're coming to save you"


I am so so sorry for taking this long to bring this chapter out! Things are so hectic lately and with everything going on right now I'm barely having time to do anything but work. However I'm working extra hard now to make sure that I can be able to bring somewhat regular chapters out for you guys, so don't worry! I apologize again for the wait and thank you all for being so patient and supportive!! I love you all!! 💕💕💕

I just want some love.. (Stolitz) (Stolas Angst)Where stories live. Discover now