Chapter 5: Secrets

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The next day


"Hey, has anyone noticed Blitzø acting a bit.. strange?" I asked looking at the others. "If you mean him sulkin' in his office the second he stepped in here then yea" Millie answered as she stared at Blitzø's office door that he slammed when he came in. "I did hear him arguing with someone on the phone yesterday" Loona stepped in "like a client?" Millie questioned "Oh god, is the business falling apart!??" I said panicking. "The business has always been falling apart idiot, but no it wasn't a client. Sounded like he was talking to the prince" "the prince? Was it about the book?" "Oh gosh does the prince want the book back!? How are we gonna work!??" I yell panicking. I then get smacked on the head my Loona "Calm the fuck down fat ass!"

Blitzø finally opened the door and came out of his office "look who finally decided to come out." Loona said sarcastically "Loona, i did that years ago. Also I'm gonna leave for a bit, i'll be back" Blitzø said in a low tone and his voice cracking every few words. 'It sounds like he's been.. crying? Why..?' "Em sir, not to seem nosy but.. have you been crying?" I asked a bit hesitant "crying!? Who!? Me!? Nah! I was just getting some paper work done! I'm not upset! Nope! Definitely not heartbroken either nah uh! Imma just go! And to make it clear! I'm fine! Cya!" And then the door slammed shut. "Well.. he's definitely not fine"


I drove all the way to the elevator so that i can get to Stolas' ring and sat down and took out my phone scrolling. 'Alright i'm just gonna go and see Stolas and he's gonna be ok. We're gonna talk and make up and hopefully he tells me what the FUCK is up with him! I just hope he's ok..' i thought as i stopped through my phone. 'what the fuck? Since when dod i worry about that feathery ass?' I thought and looked back down at my phone screen seeing that i stopped on a specific picture. One of my favorite pictures.

'Oh yea, since i started liking that feathery ass' i thought smiling at the picture then got snapped back into reality when the elevator stopped at my stop

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'Oh yea, since i started liking that feathery ass' i thought smiling at the picture then got snapped back into reality when the elevator stopped at my stop. I quickly got up and started driving to Stolas' place. "Right i'm just gonna get there and talk to him. Just talk. Calmly. So i need to stay calm. How do i be calm again? I dont even know how to be calm do i! Well lucky fuckin' me! Fucking Hell what am i even gonna say to him when i see 'im? I have no ida what to tell him! Great! Should have rehearsed this huh? Well fucking fuck it now I'm just gonna wing it! And i'm talking to myself." I shut my mouth and just put on some music as i drove.

Time skip to when he gets there.

I roughly park near his place but not where it can be seen and made my way to the balcony and started climbing "fucking shit.. why's his.. place so.. HIGH!" I grumbled as i climbed. I then finally made it to the top and got onto the balcony, or more like fell onto the floor of the balcony. I then made my way to the door and knocked "hey Stolas! You in there? I know you might not wana talk to me but i came here anyways cause i.. er.. i wanted to.. check on you.. so i em.. can you open up?" That's odd usually he would be up here waiting the second he hears me pull up to his place. I knock and call for him again "Stolas, you in there? Can you open the door?" I start tapping my foot on the floor impatiently before realizing that the door was unlocked "alright i'm coming in!" I said and opened the door. The room was dark and it didn't sound like he was in here. That's odd..?

I hear whimpers from the bathroom. I quickly run to the door and knock on it "Stolas you in there?" "B-Blitzø?" I hear his voice say on the other side of the door. My heart started to shatter as i hear his weak voice, sounding so broken. "Yea.. it's me.. Stols can I come in?" I ask again. Then i heard something that made my heart drop an inch. I heard him shuffle but also a cling of.. metal.. "Stolas. Open the door." I said now with a bit more of a stern voice. 'Oh fuck I hope he's not doing what i think he's doing..' i hear him sniffling some more but slowly open the door. "Yes Blitzø?" "Stolas let me in." I demanded again. He gulped then opened the door a bit more to let me in.

The second he did i instantly pinned him to the floor. "Stolas do you have any sharp or metal things in here?" I asked "B-Blitzø you're hurting me.." he said weakly as i was gripping his wrists. I reluctantly let go "sorry.. now do you?" "N-not that i can recall..?" I gave him a suspicious look then started looking around the bathroom to see if i can find something sharp hidden somewhere "Blitzø what are you looking for??" He asked a bit more nervous. "Stolas i know what you were doing in here. Show me your arms." I demanded "i-i what?" "Stolas show me your arms. I wont ask again." I repeated. I saw him do something behind his back but i let it slide then he took out his arms. I slowly rolled up his sleeves and it revealed.. nothing? "What..? But.. i swear i heard.. something like metal fall in here.. how isn't there.." i kept examining his arms in disbelief as i didn't understand how there weren't any cuts. "I don't get it.." i said confused "Me neither, what are you trying to find Blitzø?" Stolas asked me with a questioning face. "I thought you were.. never mind.. i'm just glad your ok.." i said with a whisper as i places both of his hands on my face feeling relieved.

I looked up at his face. He looked gorgeous "You're so gorgeous" i muttered out on accident. I slammed my other claw onto my mouth as i realized what i just said and my face gets even redder than it already is, if that's even possible. "W-what did you say..?" He asked. I looked at his face to see him blushing too. "Nothing nothing! Ignore what my stupid mouth just said!" I yelled. Then took a shaky breath 'gosh why does it have to be so hard for me to be true with my feelings damn it..'

I cleared my throat then looked up at him. "Stolas i just.. i hope that you understand you can be honest with me.. if you need someone to talk to you can talk to me.. if you want.. you know I don't actually hate it when you call me, I actually kinda like it so.." i muttered the last bit embarrassed as i looked away. I heard a soft mhm coming from him signaling that he gets the memo. "Good well em.. i'm glad you're ok.. if that bitch tries to lay a single claw on you let me know and i'll beat that bitch to double hell, k?" He chuckled and nodded which made me smile.

"Alright, well.. I'm gonna have to get back cause i still have work to do, but i'll make sure to come over after work alright?" "A-after work..?" He mutters to me. "Yea is that fine?" I could feel him stiffen then say "er actually I-I'm busy taking.. my.. my plants on a.. walk? Yes yes that so I'll be very busy, sorry Blitzø!" I gave him a skeptical look but nodded "ooookay... well imma get outa your feathers" "I'll teleport you there! Just go down to your van and i'll open a portal for you from here!" He says quickly. I see him sweating as well which is odd. "Em.. ok then. I say as i get onto the balcony and got down and made my way to the van. When i did i saw a portal open up infront of my van and i drove through it making me appear right in front of the IMP building. I parked then went inside "Hey i'm back, let's get back to work now." "Before that sir.. what's on your shoe?" Moxxie asked and i looked behind me to see a trail of bloody footsteps. "Huh.. must have stepped on something, oh well not like it's anything important!" I said said as i went over to my office to check for some clients.


When he left i felt a wave of relief wash over me as I deactivated the spell. 'I'm so glad i let that illusion spell, guess it did come in handy after all' i thought to myself. 'You can be honest with me' his words rang in my head on loop. "Sorry Blitzø but there are some things i just can't tell you." I said to myself as I deactivated the spell. When i did my cut came back into view so i rolled down my sleeves then entered the bathroom to see the floor completely covered in blood and some footsteps probably from Blitzø's shoes. I went over to the sink to finish washing the knife then cleaned the floor. I then hear a knock on my door so i walk over to the door and opened it. When i saw who it was i froze. "Hello again.. bluebell.."


Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Again I'm really sorry for the long wait but I'm back to working on this book again so look forward for quicker and more frequent updates! Love you all! 💕💕💕

I just want some love.. (Stolitz) (Stolas Angst)Where stories live. Discover now