ix. snapshots

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sept. 22nd, 2021

every message we send, every post we make, is a snapshot of who we are.

collect enough of these snapshots together and you can see someone's life unfold before you. or at least only the parts they've curated for others to see.

the internet is like a digital graveyard, in a way. people are constantly changing and evolving, but their past selves keep adding up, keep filling up the coffins.

sometimes, it's hard to say where our past selves end and where we begin.

and as the changes continue adding up, how do you define who you are if that definition keeps changing? how do you grow from past mistakes you've made?

how do you show you're not that person anymore? that you've become better?

and why do we have to distance ourselves from the past to show growth?

every day that we keep living, we accumulate more of our life in the past. more of what we've done is talked about in the past sense. there's less of our life to look forward to because it's gone.

and then one day, your life is over.

and you're only found in snapshots.

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