Tale 18

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Tale 18
Why Am I Still Single?

“Do you want some tea?” Primrose offered as the two of them sat down on the living room of the second floor.

“Fruit tea?”

“Nuh, oolong tea.” Primrose

Savannah still accepted it.

“By the way, do you know that we were classmates back on Earth?” Savannah

“We were?” Primrose

“Yes, my name was Julianna.” Savannah

“......ok.” Primrose

“......you don’t remember me, do you?” Savannah

“Everyone looks the same to me.” Primrose

“.......” Savannah

Unbelievable. Just because everyone have black or brown hair and black irises, Primrose can’t differentiate who was who..? Is she that lazy?

“So why are you here?” Primrose inquired

“I’m just worried because I feel like our fates are very similar to the fates of the original characters in the novel [Tea and Roses].” Savannah

“Similar? I’m far from being gentle, graceful, and kind like the original Primrose Grace. And you’re not like the wicked and evil Savannah Larkin of the novel [Tea and Roses] either.” Primrose

“I’m still scared.” Savannah

“Is that the reason why you’re still not marrying Indigo Crimson?”

“Yes. He seems different from the Indigo Crimson of the novel [Tea and Roses], he seems to like me as me. But what if he still falls inlove with someone else at the end?” Savannah

“We already changed everything. You don’t have to be afraid anymore.” Primrose

“But what if you still ends up falling inlove with Indigo Crimson?” Savannah

“Are you crazy? Me falling for that stone-hearted guy? No thanks.” Primrose

“He’s not stone-hearted!” Savannah

“Does he even have a heart?” Primrose

“Of course! He’s way better than that idiotic Titus Saros!” Savannah

“At least Titus Saros smiles. Indigo Crimson’s facial capillaries are probably not getting enough supply of blood and oxygen.” Primrose

“There’s nothing wrong with that! He may look pale and he may not smile often, but he’s still super handsome!” Savannah

“Yeah sure. That’s his only redeeming trait afterall.” Primrose

“At least he’s not an idiot! Unlike Titus Saros!” Savannah

“Why do you keep calling him an idiot?” Primrose

“Because he is!” Savannah

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