Chapter Forty Four

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Lia's coordination skills are garbage. The girl is tripping over her own feet. Don't get me wrong, she's a fucking amazing graphic designer but sports—Lia doesn't do sports. Bless her sweet, pure heart for trying but my girlfriend sucks at basketball.

My girlfriend.

I can't believe she's my girlfriend. I don't deserve her but hell will freeze over before I let her go. She's it for me. She's my forever person. My end game. And I know I sound psychotic considering we've known each other for around three months but those three months have been the best moments in my life. And I can't wait for the rest.

When I confessed to her on Halloween—I've wanted to confess to her ever since Blair's birthday party—I felt this liberating sense of happiness.

Never would I have thought I'd fall in love, let alone fall in love with this clumsy, lovesick, fucking beautiful girl. But if I died a thousand deaths and came back, I'd still choose her in every lifetime, in a heartbeat.

I hadn't realized how lost I was before she came crashing down—literally and figuratively—into my life. She makes me see the good in things. She's helping me see past my darkness. She's making me fall in love with the idea of love.

Love to me is like serendipity. I believed in love but I never believed that it existed for me. Until Lia happened. Now I believe that it was made for me because of her.

I watch Lia as she dribbles the ball like a girl—duh—and hurl it into the net, missing miserably.

"The way you're throwing that ball is making me want to choke you." It's painful to watch how she's trying—and I use the word trying very lightly—to shoot the ball into the net.

It's almost insulting how bad she is.

Lia grabs the ball and swings her pretty eyes towards me, a natural blush on her cheeks and her lips parted.

"Oh, shush. This is how all the legends do it. MJ and Kobe did the same."

This girl can't be serious.

"Please tell me you're talking about a different MJ and Kobe."

"No," Lia looks at me like I've run over Bloo, "I'm talking about the basketball legends. How do you not know MJ and Kobe? God, keep up, Xavier. I thought you were a basketball player."

Her personality is precious. She's so fucking adorable and kind and genuinely good. And don't get me started on how her sweet mouth gets me hard as a rock.

"I'm gonna smack your sarcastic ass, baby, if you don't shut up."

"All bark, no bite." Lia grins, teasing me.

Smirking, I crowd her and snatch the ball away before smacking her sweet ass as I bounce the ball. She gasps and glares at me. Bloo runs up to her, circling her before sitting by her feet. He's grown a helluva lot since Lia found him.

When I took the little mutt home that night, I had sleepless nights for weeks because of it howling and barking and running into things like a dumbass in the middle of the night. One day, I came home to my kitchen floor covered with dog food and Bloo hiding under my bed. But I love him. And he's cute or whatever.

Lia sits on the concrete ground as she watches me play ball by myself. It's a Saturday night and I wanted to spend it with Lia. Viini invited us to a party but I said no because I wanted to be alone with her. So, we're at Lake Bellevue park, on the basketball court.

I love it when it's only me and her. We're in our own little world. We could be doing anything and I wouldn't get bored. Hell, we could be in silence and I'd still listen to her every heartbeat. I love having any kind of conversations with her, whether it's about basketball or what books she read. We could be talking about the fucking weather and I'd happily listen to every word that comes out of her pretty mouth because being with her feels so...natural.

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