Chapter Sixty Two

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I'm alone in the apartment later that night. Nolee is on a date with Zack and Blair is on campus, working on setting up her stage for her fashion show. Nolee brought my sketchbooks and I was able to start on my project I was thankful for that because, for a few hours, my mind was distracted.

Now I've had a shower and changed into my pajamas and I'm flicking through Netflix to see what I feel like watching. I'm hugging the hot water bottle against my stomach to ease the horrible cramps. As I scroll, I stop on Stranger Things. The new season just came out but...I promised Xavier, I would watch it with him.

Obviously, this was before everything hit rock bottom.

Yet, it still feels wrong to want to watch this without him. We watched all the rest together and those were some of my most cherished moments with him.

Sadness engulfs me but then that quickly fades into annoyance at myself. I shouldn't let him make me feel like I'm lost...even though I feel it.

I don't have to watch this with him. It's nothing special. Just like how we were to him.

With newfound confidence, I press play on the new season. Excitement furls within me as I look forward to my favorite show.

Just after the intro ends, the door buzzes. I furrow my brows. It's nearly ten o'clock. Nolee said she was staying over at Zack's and Blair said she wouldn't be back till midnight.

Feeling sluggish, I walk over to the door and unlock it.

My heart drops and every ugly emotion chains me to my roots.

"What are you doing here?" My voice is uncharacteristically meaner.

Xavier nervously breathes.


"No, you can't be here." My grip on the door is almost pleading. I want him to leave. He has some nerve coming here after what he's done.

Xavier grimaces.

"Lia, please."

"No!" I yell, turning around and walking away as I try to reel in my emotions but seeing him after mere days is like pouring alcohol on an open wound, "You don't get to come back here. I don't want you here. Leave."

I hear him close the door and I regret not slamming it in his face.

"I'm not leaving until you let me talk to you." Xavier exasperatedly says, his body heat coming closer to me and I feel my resolve tingling with the need to run into his arms.

I stop and take a breath before spinning around and glaring at him through teary eyes.

I can never handle being angry because I get choked up on emotions and start crying. I hate it, especially right now. Looking weak is the last thing I want him to see me as. In some ways, I don't want him to see how heartbroken he left me but in most ways, I need him to see the hollowness he created within my heart when he took my happiness away.

"There's nothing left for us to say to each other," I quiver with an agonizingly angry voice, "You ruined everything!"

My tears stream down my cheeks, my chest constricting as I fight for air. Xavier has a mix of worry and misery written in those eyes that not only made me fall in love but deceived me.

"Don't...," Xavier downheartedly frowns, "Don't say that. Please, let me explain."

"Explain what? How you lied about everything? How you made this stupid, lovesick girl fall in love with you?" Frenzied, I bawl out with the frustration that has been gnawing at me for the past two days.

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