Chapter Forty Nine

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Clévon and I walk out of the art building laughing about what just happened. We presented our posters today and everyone's looked incredible. Clévon's was so unique and mesmerizing...except he made a major spelling error and let's just say the class had a hard time trying to keep their tears at bay from laughing.

"Either I'm dyslexic or I need eyeglasses, but I'm gonna go buy some new eyes now," he hugs me as he mumbles and then lets me go, "Or, get checked into a mental institution."

He leaves me laughing and my smile widens when I catch Xavier waiting for me by the weeping willow tree near the art building. My heart flutters with elation at the sight of him and I can't stop myself from running up to him and throwing my arms around him.

"Hey." I beam up at him and he smiles back but it's guarded.

Frustration tightens my chest.

Another day...

"Who was that?" Xavier steps out of my arms a little and nods his head towards where Clévon walked off.

My smile fades a little but I keep my mood light.

"Oh, that's Clévon, he's a friend from class."

Xavier nods but his jaw is tight and his eyes are hard with annoyance.

"What's wrong?" I ask, a little nervous with the way he's acting right now.

"Nothing." Xavier shakes his head and without holding my hand, he turns around and starts walking.

And he knows I'll follow him.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I grab onto his wrist to stop him and step in front of him, my eyes flickering between his in worry and a little frustration, "You know you can tell me anything."

Xavier tugs his wrist out of my hold, looks away whilst clenching his jaw before staring at me. His eyes dark with anger.

"Why the fuck was he touching you?" Xavier bites out.

My brows furrow, my chest tightening with unease.


"He can't be touching you like that. If he's gonna be putting his hands up all over you like that you can't be fucking friends with him." Xavier glares at me, a wicked snarl curled on his mouth.

His words leave me speechless.

This idiot. I could tell him that he has nothing to worry about, that Clévon is engaged but I doubt that's going to make any difference. And besides, he can't talk to me like that.

He has never been this possessive over me and he knows I don't like that stuff so to hear him say those words creates an ache in my chest. But anger overwhelms me as the emotions from the past few days catch up on me and drown me in their pool of frustration.

"Excuse me? Says who?" with fire in my eyes, I stare up at him, "Last time I checked, you're not my dad, Xavier. You can't tell me what to do."

The air between us charges with intense animosity and maddening exasperation and a little lust. There's always lust between us.

"The fuck I can," Xavier steps closer to me until our lips are a breath away, "Nobody gets to touch you except me, how hard is that to fucking understand? Are you that fucking stupid?"

His words sting.

Tears pool my eyes but I blink them back because if there's anything he doesn't deserve of me is my tears.

He called me stupid...

I don't know what the fuck has been going on with him for the past few days but if he's going to be treating me like a body to warm his bed then I'm not going to stand idle and be his punching bag.

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