Chapter Eighty One

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All night I haven't been able to stray my eyes away from her. She looks beautiful and after how she came apart under me with her own touch last night, I just want to grab her and kiss her. I want to kiss her so bad. It's a hunger that is clawing at my stomach and it can only be filled by her.

Lia gets up from where she was, talking to that fucker Theo—I'm going to punch him before I leave this place and Viini can suck my dick—and walks towards me, well more like the secluded seating area towards the back, with Bloo right behind her.

Itching to get my hands on her, I eye her up from where I'm lounging back, legs spread wide and mind filled with thoughts of her. Her tight little ass is hot in that dress she's wearing. All it makes me want to do is reach under and finger fuck her.

Can't touch her you dumb, thirsty fuck.

As Lia comes closer within my reach, I stretch my leg out, right into her path. She trips with a shriek and I don't hesitate to catch her, making her fall right onto my lap.

Fuck yeah.

My hands squeeze her hips as her ass presses against my dick and I suppress a groan.

Lia stares wide-eyed at me.

"What are you doing?"

I stare at her pillowy mouth with a faint smirk. Her scent is so addictive—sweet, flowery, and cottony.

"What am I doing?"

Lia stares at me incredulously.

"You tripped me."

I rest my head back against the sofa with an easy smile playing on my lips as my hooded eyes stare into hers. Her skin is glowing tonight.

"You fell on top of me."

I miss having her in my arms.

Lia stares at me like I've gone mad and I catch the light mirth glittering in her eyes because she understands what I just did. She rolls her eyes before scrambling up from my lap with a quiet huff and then walking away. I laugh as I watch her but my amusement morphs into longing.

Fuck, I miss her.

Why can't she just end my misery? And hers? She can't sit there and lie about how much it's killing her to be apart from each other like this. It feels like thousand hot knives slashing through my insides each day that I wake up without her beside me. I want to skip to the part where we're lying in bed and laughing about the dumbest shit ever again. I want her back. I want my Lia back.

"What's up?" Zack falls down next to me with Hudson and Viini surrounding me.

I tear my eyes away from Lia where she's sitting alone with Bloo but then Blair and Nolee join her, hugging her and smiling at her.

"I don't know what she's doing. I don't know what she wants." I quietly say to my friends.

It's rare that one of us confides in the other but when we do, everything's on the table. We're not ignorant to believe that talking about our feelings is girly, that's a stupid fucking thought. What are friends for? We're not some twelves year olds who think girls have cooties, we're mature enough to realize the importance of confiding in someone we trust.

"The problem is that you two aren't talking," Zack lays it out cold, "You're not going to know what's bothering her if you don't talk."

Frustration lodges in my throat.

"She doesn't want to talk, she pushes me away every time I try to ask her."

"Maybe give her some time." Viini suggests the idea that I've already tried.

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