Chapter Twenty

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With fasciation being the emotion controlling me, I wander my eyes around the wild, bad-as-sin life unfold before my eyes. The night sky is dark twinkling with stars, the air is humid even though we're close to Halloween and the dominating nature surrounding the endless graveled road is a mystery to be solved.

Cars, cars that are artistically admirable litter the graveled ground. There's loud music, hip hop music giving the people the thrill they need. Alcohol is being consumed like cold water on a hot summer day. Laughter and animated tomfoolery is an entrancing experience to see, boys are teasing girls, trying to impress them with their fancy cars.

I grin to myself.

As Xavier and I walk along the graveled path, eyes turn towards us. Evidently, Xavier has a reputation here, the guys give him nods and girls seductively eye him up. Some guys check me out too, their eyes brightening with fascination but I shrink closer to Xavier.

"Xavier," there's nervousness in my voice, "Where are we?"

"The Creek."

"What is The Creek?"

Xavier pulls me closer to his body, his gray-green eyes glancing at me.

"You'll see."

Xavier is holding my hand, our fingers intertwined. I don't know what made him grab my hand when we got out of his car but I'm not complaining. Xavier's hand in mine feels heavenly and like home. His big, rough hand looks like it belongs in my small, soft one.

Absentmindedly, Xavier is caressing the back of my palm with his thumb and my heart can't take it, it literally is racing like a hamster on a wheel. Weirdly, having Xavier's hand in mine makes me feel safe and significant along with the butterflies that are swarming my stomach.

There are sounds of cars whipping against the rocky road in the distance in a competitive manner. There's a crowd watching the two cars and if I knew my racing sub-culture any better, I would say that's a street race.

"Yo X," a gorgeous guy with the greenest of eyes and the richest of skin color, hollers at Xavier, "Bets are down, 80k, you in?"

The dude glances at me with curious intrigue and something virtuous flashing through his captivating eyes. Those jade eyes are such a beautiful contrast to his dark skin color, it's breathtaking.

"Who's racing?"


Xavier's whole aura changes. Aggression and bitterness wave off of him like smoke. He clenches his jaw and it makes me wonder who this Hyde guy is that has made Xavier turn so provoked.

The Green-Eyed Adonis sends me a flirtatious stare before walking off to a couple of girls who welcome him with kisses and smiles. I say Adonis because that guy is drop-dead gorgeous and manly and sculpted by the Greek Gods.

It's only then I realize what just went down between the two.

Xavier is racing. He's a street racer.


Xavier runs a rough hand through his dark disheveled hair. Letting go of my hand, he pulls out a Zippo lighter from his black jean back pocket and a cigarette and lights it up. I watch him in fascination as he takes a puff and blows out the toxic fumes away from me, all the while with his stormy eyes on me. They capture mine in a hooded, heated stare that has my thighs yearning and my heart fluttering.

Gliding his fingers through my hair, Xavier presses his lips on mine. The kiss is feverish and intoxicating and hot. It's soft and rough. Every time he kisses me, the butterflies go crazy but this kiss is something different. It hits different. The sensation is indescribable, my body is begging for him.

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