𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒊.

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i drummed my fingers against the sides of the chariot nervously.

"we can't go faster than this," butch told annabeth. "otherwise the pegasi will be too tired for the flight back."

annabeth grumbled something under her breath, but didn't argue.

"you told hedge we're coming, right?" i asked annabeth.

"yeah, he knows," she nodded her head. 

i bit my lip, anxious as the grand canyon came into view.

percy was missing.

he'd disappeared that morning, and no one was able to locate him since. his mother and paul looked for him, J.A.R.V.I.S. and the avengers were running satellite scans, and we had search parties everywhere.

after three days of silence, i had a dream from her royal bitchiness, hera. she told me to go to the grand canyon and the boy with one shoe will be the answer to my problems.

i was just waiting for us to arrive, and her to screw me over.

she didn't like me, and she probably never will. i had a strong feeling she was messing with me, and i was not happy.

i put my sunglasses on, hiding my red rimmed eyes. it was also kinda sunny out.

i looked down on the skywalk, waiting for the chariot to get close enough for me to jump out. i could see three figures on the skywalk, staring at the chariot.

i flicked out my knife, jumping out of the chariot, annabeth at my heels.

my steps faltered, until they stopped completely, as i realized none of the figures were percy. annabeth continued walking until she was right in front of them, knife held out.

"where the fuck is he?" she asked. "what'd you do to him?"

"where's who?" blondie asked.

there were three of them. a blond dude, maybe a little younger than us, but taller. a pretty indigenous girl, with chocolate hair, and kaleidoscope eyes. and a latino boy who stared at me, mouth hanging open.

i walked forward, reading the emotions of the group. they were all scared, confused even. and the latino was in shock.

i pushed my sunglasses onto my head.

"what about gleeson?" annabeth jumped to the next question. "where's your protecter, gleeson hedge?"

the curly haired dude cleared his throat, "he got taken by some... tornado thingies."

𝙩𝙪 𝙢𝙚 𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨 - p. jackson [₂]Where stories live. Discover now